well I suppose I should write something here so you people can be entertained. However I still think my life is pretty boring and ya'll 'll probably just end up being bored
So let's see here an update on DQ girl? well turns out she goes to church on sunday nights. Since it's night service I'm assuming it's of the nondenominational variety. None of which really matters that much except I'm definitely not the churchy type. In fact organized religion in general just pisses me off and I consider my self to be an atheist. I'm sure that's going to be a strike against me. However I'm tolerant so it's only half a stike against her. I gave her a catcall out the drivethru window this morning I'm not sure whether or not she appreciated it. If I'm not ready to fall asleep the next couple of days I might actually try calling again.
As far as work goes right now the boss man is on vacation/work related trip to Hawaii and has in desperation turned to me to open the store in the morning for him. I'll be getting OT this week which will be nice but still kinda sucks (see above sleep issue) 7:30 wake up time for me
not only a bunch of responsibility (something I'd prefer not to have a whole lot of) shoved upon me but I also have to open the store with one of our worst employees 3 out of the 4 times I open this week. He better not piss me off or the customers might be getting some fried loser in their lunch.
Next topic please: Saturday hockey's been going fairly well. We've won the 3 games we've played against our own lower league but we lost Sat to the upper league 7-4 Oh and We finally got our pink jerseys
I'd just link you to a picture but unfortunatly thewebsite uses flashplayer and can't be properly linked here. If you want to do it the hard way go to Black Biscuit and at the bottom click on the far left clothing picture(jersey) then click on league and the picture has a guy wearing a pink jersey. Or I noticed while typing this that if you wait long enough on the home page eventually a team photo of guys in pink will show up.
I was also introduced to a lovely hippieish chick on sat. we'll see if that turns into anything or not.
Wednesday (yes backwards in time (again)) I went out with a friend from work (also with the early morning fryer bait) to a hip-hop club just for fun. Not my type of music fo sho but I can put up with it enought o hang out and have a couple coronas. Sadly my friends got wasted and as they were driving home apparently got pulled over w/ DUI arrest and jail time
glad I only had 2 beers instead of 6 shots of tequila and 5 beers.
Another interesting thing (maybe?) The guy who host our D&D night knock his wife so far up her heads going to start to swell
So he's going to be dropping out for a few months to try to rush thru school before her head explodes and a crying baby causes everybody elses' heads to explode. Now we shall meet in longmont. oi. more driving for me.
Played a little PS3: Marvel Ultimate Alliance. pretty fun. Been playing Heroes of Might and MAgic IV with my new computer not much else yet. Been thinking about getting DDO but I'm afraid I might get addicted to something like that and just get fat and have moldy potato chip crumbs rotting in my belly button.
I think thats it for now. All pretty much stuff that happened in the past since I don't really have anything but the regularly scheduled stuff to look forward to this week. Toodles!

So let's see here an update on DQ girl? well turns out she goes to church on sunday nights. Since it's night service I'm assuming it's of the nondenominational variety. None of which really matters that much except I'm definitely not the churchy type. In fact organized religion in general just pisses me off and I consider my self to be an atheist. I'm sure that's going to be a strike against me. However I'm tolerant so it's only half a stike against her. I gave her a catcall out the drivethru window this morning I'm not sure whether or not she appreciated it. If I'm not ready to fall asleep the next couple of days I might actually try calling again.
As far as work goes right now the boss man is on vacation/work related trip to Hawaii and has in desperation turned to me to open the store in the morning for him. I'll be getting OT this week which will be nice but still kinda sucks (see above sleep issue) 7:30 wake up time for me

Next topic please: Saturday hockey's been going fairly well. We've won the 3 games we've played against our own lower league but we lost Sat to the upper league 7-4 Oh and We finally got our pink jerseys

I was also introduced to a lovely hippieish chick on sat. we'll see if that turns into anything or not.
Wednesday (yes backwards in time (again)) I went out with a friend from work (also with the early morning fryer bait) to a hip-hop club just for fun. Not my type of music fo sho but I can put up with it enought o hang out and have a couple coronas. Sadly my friends got wasted and as they were driving home apparently got pulled over w/ DUI arrest and jail time

Another interesting thing (maybe?) The guy who host our D&D night knock his wife so far up her heads going to start to swell

Played a little PS3: Marvel Ultimate Alliance. pretty fun. Been playing Heroes of Might and MAgic IV with my new computer not much else yet. Been thinking about getting DDO but I'm afraid I might get addicted to something like that and just get fat and have moldy potato chip crumbs rotting in my belly button.
I think thats it for now. All pretty much stuff that happened in the past since I don't really have anything but the regularly scheduled stuff to look forward to this week. Toodles!

Awww well thank you,you too hun!!!

not specifically no. just a sucker for fleur de lis's in general