nothing spectacularly new as usual. Blizzard round 2 hit on thursday and dumped another foot of snow on us.
Played some hockey.
Haven't been able to get any hardcore MTGing in for the past couple weeks though because of the weather being ass. Lots of pool playing however. I've been to Jackson's sports bar like 4 days out of the past week. My friend that I play hockey with who joined the army was in town on leave for the week so that was half of the reason we went so many times. It was good to see him boot camp didn't kill him or really change much. He's still the same prick he used to be
New Year's Eve consisted of more pool playing with a friend as neither of us really wanted to sit on our asses at home for the night. Got two free shots of champange out of it. Those were fortunatly the only two drinks I had for the night as I got pulled over on the way home. Stupid fucking headlight was out. AGAIN
After I got home I finally 5starred Ozzy's Bark at the Moon on Medium while I played guitar hero. Still haven't 5 starred Pantera's Cowboys From Hell yet but I did increase my high score YAY?
I guess that it for news. Here's some pictures of stuff:
Four dogs, three of which are my sisters. They are as heads go left to right: Taylor, Pixie, Oberon, Spreit.
These are Frosty and Pause. Frosty has the larger gray patch on his head and the black spot on his nose.
This is Taylor again. Our doggie very energetic mutt
Now by your deduction skill you should be able to figure out which of the other dogs are my sisters.
And finally this is my 1970 Cadillac Sedan DeVille aka pimpmobile aka lurch. I don't drive it often as it eats tons o gas but it looks cool doesn't it
That should keep you all entertained for the next week or so. I'll be gone for at least 5 days going with my dad to pick up his special RV down in Arizona. Wee. I doubt its going to be a super lot of fun but I haven't ever been down there as of yet so that will be nice. Hopefully I'll be able to make it back for our new hockey sesson at JBS. The new team name is.... D R U M R O L L . . . . . . . .
wait for it
Wait for it
STEVE'S NOT ASIAN!!!!!! ::much cheering:: (he really is asian though
Much love to my peeps,
nothing spectacularly new as usual. Blizzard round 2 hit on thursday and dumped another foot of snow on us.
Played some hockey.
Haven't been able to get any hardcore MTGing in for the past couple weeks though because of the weather being ass. Lots of pool playing however. I've been to Jackson's sports bar like 4 days out of the past week. My friend that I play hockey with who joined the army was in town on leave for the week so that was half of the reason we went so many times. It was good to see him boot camp didn't kill him or really change much. He's still the same prick he used to be

New Year's Eve consisted of more pool playing with a friend as neither of us really wanted to sit on our asses at home for the night. Got two free shots of champange out of it. Those were fortunatly the only two drinks I had for the night as I got pulled over on the way home. Stupid fucking headlight was out. AGAIN

I guess that it for news. Here's some pictures of stuff:

Four dogs, three of which are my sisters. They are as heads go left to right: Taylor, Pixie, Oberon, Spreit.

These are Frosty and Pause. Frosty has the larger gray patch on his head and the black spot on his nose.

This is Taylor again. Our doggie very energetic mutt

And finally this is my 1970 Cadillac Sedan DeVille aka pimpmobile aka lurch. I don't drive it often as it eats tons o gas but it looks cool doesn't it

That should keep you all entertained for the next week or so. I'll be gone for at least 5 days going with my dad to pick up his special RV down in Arizona. Wee. I doubt its going to be a super lot of fun but I haven't ever been down there as of yet so that will be nice. Hopefully I'll be able to make it back for our new hockey sesson at JBS. The new team name is.... D R U M R O L L . . . . . . . .
wait for it
Wait for it
STEVE'S NOT ASIAN!!!!!! ::much cheering:: (he really is asian though

Much love to my peeps,
Best wishes sweetie... Enjoy your weekend!!