For Living Kingdoms of Kalamar we got stuck with a judge running cold. It really hurts the enjoyment of a module. And unfortunatly my poor Fhokki horsewarrior maiden Sorykka was left without her horse not that it matter much the combat was a breeze as our Cleric of the Eternal Lantern wrecked the undead we encountered.
Living Arcanis the next morning however rocked (as it usually does) we got a quality judge in Casey McGirt. Adam had a great time playing his character in this module and it was a great introduction to LA for him. His legionnaire fit in really well with the module and he got a lot of awesome stuff because one of the main baddies was also a legionnaire who was all decked out. It was a challenging battle at the end vs. that legionnaire (3 people were neutral at the beginning of the battle and held back including myself). After seeing that this guy was pretty badass the rest of us joined in to make sure no one died. A couple people dropped but were okay with the cure stick on hand. Had a decent time at it myself but not quite as much.
The following Arcanis module was the premier of Casey McGirt's own module Veiled Truths. Unfortunatly we didn't get quite as high quaility a judge as Casey himself (that would have rawked) but still had a good time learning about the Larissan schism. If you haven't played the module the following is a
Later that night we played in the World's Largest Dungeon. The entire goal was to see how far a party could get in the dungeon in a 4 hr. time slot. Adam left about an hour and a half after he killed off his sorrcerer and his splitting headache drove him to bed. The rest continued to play and we got about half way through section A.
Sunday morning brought us to our final LA game the one in which I did the most characterwise but still failed to roleplay as I wanted too. I wanted to steal the artifact for my Secret Society but did not (nor would the module have let me.) Still it was fun (too bad we were playing at low APL tables it might have been more fun.) And my dark-kin rogue/illusionist has been immortalized in theatre (yay?)
Living Greyhawk in the afternoon (I was trying to introduce Adam to all the living campaigns that ran around here) was kinda shitty. I never really liked playing in Greyhawk as much since they started using the ARs (certs are cooler). Once again we got a judge who was running cold she was at least much better at it the the LKoK judge was. My poor halfing rogue 0/druid 1 was effective less as most 1st level characters are nor did I roleplay very well.
Actually overall I RPed like ass but I still had a good time.