as i sit here thinking of differnt things i went threw in my life!!!!!!!! i wondoer what life would be li ke if i wasnt born????????? you ever ask that to yourself???? or do you think it really matters if you was even here ???? somtimes i fine that for myself i rather be alone in this earth with no one to hurt me !!!!!! then i think that i rather have some humans here!!!!!!

i hope whatever tough times you've been going through are getting better...i've been through some rough patches lately myself and completely sympathize!
<big big hugs!>
hmmm really existential thoughts going on there, know what you feel and for me it always works best just: doing things, just living, ok for thinking and don't being shallow, but have fun, go out, work, love, I think that's what we're here for (oh my god please don't think I know the answers, this is just what I say to myself to prevent from getting lost in my own thoughts