She came to me late last night. My dark mistress. The fireplace crackled softly, defiant to the the muffled cacophany of birds and insects and frogs in the back yard, at the end of a dark cul-de-sac. I waited patiently, on the couch, unusually calm for this new development....
She wore her black trench coat, black satin high heels, and nothing else. She wasn't...
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She wore her black trench coat, black satin high heels, and nothing else. She wasn't...
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A most excellent weekend so far. I took off early Friday and shot down to Atlanta. FancyD met me at my hotel, and we rolled into Downtown. She busted my SG cherry, in a big way. It was treat for such a nautical enthusiast to see the largest aquarium in the world. We were literally standing in a glass tunnel where nineteen foot whale sharks...
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Eye Candy
Do you see the watch in the bottom corner, look real closely and see what I saw?
Do you see the watch in the bottom corner, look real closely and see what I saw?
Yeah never thought I could shoot those rainbow lasers out of my eye up there....
I thought I would dream about Cameron Diaz last night. No. I dreamnt instead of someone I shouldn't. As she is involved with someone else. She has had a most interesting life. A gem. What she would see in me I havn't a clue. But she saw something. Once. When I was a mess. You know who you are. I promise to be a perfect...
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Well D, think of it like this, if it were your girl, and you were loaning her out for the night, you would want her to act like a lady and you would definately want the other man to act like a gentleman...yes nobodies perfect, and yes, I imagine she still senses that spark of brilliance. Word to the Wise, don't fall for the gypsies, they only break your heart in the end. You can tell that to Porno to, if you meet him. Unlike you, I had no dreams, and barely any usual....of course I get completely exhausted in the middle of my Bio test today....but not at 3 in the morning....go figure.....
Sorry, no incriminating pictures of me from the party last weekend. I've had a strange talent of successfully avoiding cameras for most of my life. But here's a scary shot straight from my junior high school year book. You can't escape school pictures, I'm afraid, no matter how hard you try.
It was a long damn way to Troutman, NC towing a 26' Sea Ray with my little 14' Starcraft. Chugged along at only 5-10 knots. I forgot sunscreen like a dumbass, so an hour into this I'm debating on trying to dock all this mess at a marina to buy a bottle where million dollar yatchs are passing within inches of each other. Never mind....
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It's OK! I'll be back again to visit from time to time.
I dig the spice cabinet.
I dig the spice cabinet.
So ?
There's a saying that a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are built for. Lately I've been diving in head first, taking on way more than I should. But that sink or swim fire under my ass is bringing out the best in me. I was a bit nervous with the last bit of promises I made to build so many...
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No no no no no. We're going to see snakes on a plane here in CHARLOTTE.
Tomorrow... or Saturday maybe. What are you doing this weekend???
Tomorrow... or Saturday maybe. What are you doing this weekend???
As far as your profession goes, have you ever seen how much little bad ass bonsai stands go for?
I think most people would seek therapy if they heard the voices I hear. I choose instead to embrace my madness, harness it and seek it out when I need spiritual guidance....
I may never know true love but I know that VOICE. She whispered to me a few weeks ago. A pleading in my spine. Where are you? Here. Help me, I can't...
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I may never know true love but I know that VOICE. She whispered to me a few weeks ago. A pleading in my spine. Where are you? Here. Help me, I can't...
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So tell me, darlin', why is life so good?
What's happenin' with ya?
What's happenin' with ya?
lol, i forgot i wrote that
i had no idea where it came from i was so confused!!!
lol, i forgot i wrote that
i had no idea where it came from i was so confused!!!
Funny how things have a way of coming full circle. I had the most surreal flashbacks today. Going from hating yourself to feeling lucky to be yourself, back and forth, all day just cannot be healthy.
Anyway my newest "apprentice" is way more educated than I am. Ego drain. Within a couple hours he's groveling to learn more. I have artisans and techno geeks and...
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Anyway my newest "apprentice" is way more educated than I am. Ego drain. Within a couple hours he's groveling to learn more. I have artisans and techno geeks and...
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Skillfully you say?
I don't know anout that, I am pretty straight forward in real life, I don't believe in wasting time. I do know better than to look for real life lust/love on the net.....although I hear it does happen.
I can't make decisions like that about people till I meet them in the flesh. I have to feel that spark first. Although there is a lot to be said for cyber crushes. You were definately my first. I am up to 3 so far. Which is not so bad, I lust after several people in the flesh and am always looking forward to finding somebody that could hold my attention for longer than a couple orgasms. I am told that it will happen one of these days.....
Sorry bout your eye, sounds painful.
I don't know anout that, I am pretty straight forward in real life, I don't believe in wasting time. I do know better than to look for real life lust/love on the net.....although I hear it does happen.
I can't make decisions like that about people till I meet them in the flesh. I have to feel that spark first. Although there is a lot to be said for cyber crushes. You were definately my first. I am up to 3 so far. Which is not so bad, I lust after several people in the flesh and am always looking forward to finding somebody that could hold my attention for longer than a couple orgasms. I am told that it will happen one of these days.....
Sorry bout your eye, sounds painful.
Felt like resurrecting myself today. I saw a goth girl all tattooed up in Food Lion and I got all horny. Lately pretty girls smiling at me wherever I turn these days. You see, many things have happened since I ended my destructive spiral into alcoholism and holing up with the computer every night. I quit cold turkey, then my credit card was reissued because...
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about damned time.
your new pad sounds really nice. when's the housewarming party?
your new pad sounds really nice. when's the housewarming party?
So are you a tease?
I'm so clueless. Girls seem to hate me. I just have too much love to give;p; as I love them all. Not completely, as some are better than others, but I have no one.
In my personal experience girls are just a game of numbers. Its like a gun, if you fire enough rounds your bound to hit something.
OK where in the Sam Hill did you go???
Not a banner day, but a damn good one. My Scottish friend Andy in the Carolinas again; we did lunch, and other interesting things. Tinkering with my favorite toy, the Masterwood MW310 cnc machine. I wouldn't mind having one in my home workshop to play with. Don't have a spare half a million bucks to blow though....
"Got it?" "Almost..." I look like the "Borg"...
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"Got it?" "Almost..." I look like the "Borg"...
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hey hey. i'm a resident in charlotte now. an address and everything!
no PC or internet at the house yet though... so it'll be a bit long before we're able to share a beer or two and you can (hopefully) fill me in on what there is to do here in NC.
no PC or internet at the house yet though... so it'll be a bit long before we're able to share a beer or two and you can (hopefully) fill me in on what there is to do here in NC.
Yah...i was gonna send you to the erotica group too....have ya checked it out yet??
you ok?