Today's Charlotte Observer made me smile wickedly. "The action on High Rock is so hot the bait shops can't keep stocked...." I have a sein net for bait, among other nets not so legal. The southern boys will be begging me this weekend. I caught just under a hundred last weekend. Fuck.
Anyway I'm sitting here fairly well drunk wondering if one of the hot office girls at work might like to tag along. No not with your boyfriend. Oh, well, plenty of fish in the sea....

Anyway I'm sitting here fairly well drunk wondering if one of the hot office girls at work might like to tag along. No not with your boyfriend. Oh, well, plenty of fish in the sea....

And your not sure?? Yup....that one...
god damn it, I want to go fishing, god damn it. You better take us fishing when we come down there. I'll be more than happy to cook the fish too. Oh,and the boat looks good on you
And for the record, we are not so high end that we would ever turn noses up at some home cookin. If it tastes good, it is good, period.