She came to me late last night. My dark mistress. The fireplace crackled softly, defiant to the the muffled cacophany of birds and insects and frogs in the back yard, at the end of a dark cul-de-sac. I waited patiently, on the couch, unusually calm for this new development....
She wore her black trench coat, black satin high heels, and nothing else. She wasn't the type of girl who worried too much about accessorizing. She knew she was beautiful. The way she knew guys couldn't resist a nice smile and a quivering, ripe cleavage. Or the way she could walk into a room full of people and spot who could be dominated, or made into a slave, within the first few minutes. She just knew these things. Plus, I happen to tell her these things from time to time....
My hypersensitivity grew, and I sensed my dog's did as well, when her car arrived. Small growl from Holly, who has been trained with hand signals as well as voice commands. A fist. It means "stay." She reluctantly sat back down, panting now with that face, the one that looks like she's smiling. Lowering my hand, palm down. That meant "lie down." I focus on the door. Quick glance back at Holly in the dining room. She knows that look. It's our own unspoken language. It roughly translates into "Don't you fucking TEST me goddamn it. I'm serious. Remember when you had to sit in the closet for four hours? You better be GOOD..."
A knock. It was soft, almost hesitant at first, but with a more rapid, determined finish. I didn't get up. "Come in." It was barely more than a whisper, but I knew she could hear me. The door slowly opened. Her face was radiant in the flickering light from hundreds of candles. Most people's first glance upon seeing my home for the first time are cast towards the oil paintings or furniture.... She, however, looked me right in the eye. Then abruptly looked down, her black visage in a pious bow, more lovely than I have ever seen her. She was the wicked witch tamed, a vixen humbled, my dark angel I so cherish. "Remind me." I say quietly, yet firmly " Why. Why are you here? Please don't lie to me. You KNOW I can tell if you lie...." "Yes. I know. I'm here only to serve you, Master. It would be an honor...." Mmm... I like that last bit. Nice touch. "Come to me then." She turned to lock the door. "Leave it unlocked. You are safe here. You are now my property..." She dropped to her knees and began crawling to me, slowly, never looking up. "I am going to take VERY good care of you, sweetness. Very good care. Unless you displease me...." She stops at my feet and raises her delicate hands up to me, begging. I can smell only fresh ivory soap, no perfume whatsoever. The small heartbeat pulsing on her precious bare neck. She needs no jewelry. I shall adorn her. Under my crossed arms is a half fathom of soft laid 1" nylon rope, poised like it was thousands of times before on an icy fishing deck, ready to whip a clove hitch around a thousand pound crab trap before it shifted and fell on me or went overboard. Here, it was warm in my silk robe and bare feet. For a blinding second, the rope and I were one, and her wrists were bound before she could brace herself. She's been needing this.... I lifted her up to her tippy toes until we were eye to eye. I kissed her on the tip of her nose only for a second, and she shuddered. I lowered her arms around my neck, then picked her up, cradling her all the way to the bedroom, where I untied her, undressed her, and stood admiring her at the foot of the bed. "For the rest of the evening, you are not allowed to wear any clothing." "Yes, master." "You will let the master do whatever the master likes, and you will do whatever the master says, because you are my SLAVE. I own you. You are MINE...." I start on the inside of a creamy thigh, kissing and licking while my hands support the small of her back. She leans back and shudders as I get in sync with her rhthym, only I don't let up this time, pulling in on her clit harder than ever before....
She opens her eyes, fingers loosening their grip on my hair and ears. "That was better than I ever DREAMED." I just looked down and grinned. "Honey, we haven't even got started yet...."
She wore her black trench coat, black satin high heels, and nothing else. She wasn't the type of girl who worried too much about accessorizing. She knew she was beautiful. The way she knew guys couldn't resist a nice smile and a quivering, ripe cleavage. Or the way she could walk into a room full of people and spot who could be dominated, or made into a slave, within the first few minutes. She just knew these things. Plus, I happen to tell her these things from time to time....
My hypersensitivity grew, and I sensed my dog's did as well, when her car arrived. Small growl from Holly, who has been trained with hand signals as well as voice commands. A fist. It means "stay." She reluctantly sat back down, panting now with that face, the one that looks like she's smiling. Lowering my hand, palm down. That meant "lie down." I focus on the door. Quick glance back at Holly in the dining room. She knows that look. It's our own unspoken language. It roughly translates into "Don't you fucking TEST me goddamn it. I'm serious. Remember when you had to sit in the closet for four hours? You better be GOOD..."
A knock. It was soft, almost hesitant at first, but with a more rapid, determined finish. I didn't get up. "Come in." It was barely more than a whisper, but I knew she could hear me. The door slowly opened. Her face was radiant in the flickering light from hundreds of candles. Most people's first glance upon seeing my home for the first time are cast towards the oil paintings or furniture.... She, however, looked me right in the eye. Then abruptly looked down, her black visage in a pious bow, more lovely than I have ever seen her. She was the wicked witch tamed, a vixen humbled, my dark angel I so cherish. "Remind me." I say quietly, yet firmly " Why. Why are you here? Please don't lie to me. You KNOW I can tell if you lie...." "Yes. I know. I'm here only to serve you, Master. It would be an honor...." Mmm... I like that last bit. Nice touch. "Come to me then." She turned to lock the door. "Leave it unlocked. You are safe here. You are now my property..." She dropped to her knees and began crawling to me, slowly, never looking up. "I am going to take VERY good care of you, sweetness. Very good care. Unless you displease me...." She stops at my feet and raises her delicate hands up to me, begging. I can smell only fresh ivory soap, no perfume whatsoever. The small heartbeat pulsing on her precious bare neck. She needs no jewelry. I shall adorn her. Under my crossed arms is a half fathom of soft laid 1" nylon rope, poised like it was thousands of times before on an icy fishing deck, ready to whip a clove hitch around a thousand pound crab trap before it shifted and fell on me or went overboard. Here, it was warm in my silk robe and bare feet. For a blinding second, the rope and I were one, and her wrists were bound before she could brace herself. She's been needing this.... I lifted her up to her tippy toes until we were eye to eye. I kissed her on the tip of her nose only for a second, and she shuddered. I lowered her arms around my neck, then picked her up, cradling her all the way to the bedroom, where I untied her, undressed her, and stood admiring her at the foot of the bed. "For the rest of the evening, you are not allowed to wear any clothing." "Yes, master." "You will let the master do whatever the master likes, and you will do whatever the master says, because you are my SLAVE. I own you. You are MINE...." I start on the inside of a creamy thigh, kissing and licking while my hands support the small of her back. She leans back and shudders as I get in sync with her rhthym, only I don't let up this time, pulling in on her clit harder than ever before....
She opens her eyes, fingers loosening their grip on my hair and ears. "That was better than I ever DREAMED." I just looked down and grinned. "Honey, we haven't even got started yet...."

Yah...i was gonna send you to the erotica group too....have ya checked it out yet??
you ok?