It was a long damn way to Troutman, NC towing a 26' Sea Ray with my little 14' Starcraft. Chugged along at only 5-10 knots. I forgot sunscreen like a dumbass, so an hour into this I'm debating on trying to dock all this mess at a marina to buy a bottle where million dollar yatchs are passing within inches of each other. Never mind. So I ain't doin' shit tonight. I am a crispy critter imbibing alone on the internet, which I had not wanted to do.
Last night was sweet. You could be the most awesome SG if you wanted to. Or you could be the most awesome girlfriend I've ever had. Or both. I can wait....
I just got a workout "recycling" scrap wood I got at work. Hey, I got the key. I now have enough mahogany to burn all winter. Keep the heating bill down by utilizing the fireplace. Didn't get back in time to get mulch for the flower beds and I was too damn fried to be in the sun anymore anyway.
I just talked with MunkE, who is a nice fellow. I'd probably be a bad influence on him, but he seems to want to hang out and drink sometime. Maybe he can help plan a party. I don't think a barbeque with old peeps I work with would work. The dancers, dealers, the DJ's, and doms. Or SG people maybe. My late night underworld friends....
And for those of you who for some reason intend to lurk forever but want to send a message without becoming a member, my email is
So the water patrol left me alone. Last time that faggot wildlife officer pulled me over and gave me a ticket for "operating a motor vessel on waters of this state without proper fire extinguishing equipment"($125) just hours after I'd just, somewhat heroically, I might add, jumped aboard a pontoon boat and put out a fire. He smelled. You know, like the whole bottle of cologne. Looked like a CHiPs officer in tight pants. Best part: last month he was busted for BWI, or boating while intoxicated. Yeah one of your own took you down buddy. What comes around, goes around....
Last night was sweet. You could be the most awesome SG if you wanted to. Or you could be the most awesome girlfriend I've ever had. Or both. I can wait....
I just got a workout "recycling" scrap wood I got at work. Hey, I got the key. I now have enough mahogany to burn all winter. Keep the heating bill down by utilizing the fireplace. Didn't get back in time to get mulch for the flower beds and I was too damn fried to be in the sun anymore anyway.
I just talked with MunkE, who is a nice fellow. I'd probably be a bad influence on him, but he seems to want to hang out and drink sometime. Maybe he can help plan a party. I don't think a barbeque with old peeps I work with would work. The dancers, dealers, the DJ's, and doms. Or SG people maybe. My late night underworld friends....
And for those of you who for some reason intend to lurk forever but want to send a message without becoming a member, my email is
So the water patrol left me alone. Last time that faggot wildlife officer pulled me over and gave me a ticket for "operating a motor vessel on waters of this state without proper fire extinguishing equipment"($125) just hours after I'd just, somewhat heroically, I might add, jumped aboard a pontoon boat and put out a fire. He smelled. You know, like the whole bottle of cologne. Looked like a CHiPs officer in tight pants. Best part: last month he was busted for BWI, or boating while intoxicated. Yeah one of your own took you down buddy. What comes around, goes around....

I dig the spice cabinet.