"There is nothing- absolutely nothing- half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats." -Kenneth Grahame, from The Wind In The Willows
Thanks for the concern, I'm really touched. Frankly I've been drinking and not rereading my posts. I was angling on the short life thing because I feel I just have so much to accomplish; and the "s" adjective is a bit in your face here so it's weight was subconsciously diminished.
I met Graham Blackburn Saturday. The dude's written 17 books on woodworking, and is pretty darned talented. He was in town with the woodworking show, which I loath, but attended just because of his guest starring appearance. Nice guy. Not cocky as shit like some people I know.
I do tend to get poetic and sad over my situation. Only my closest friends know my identity change secret. I was successful for years, and never even THOUGHT of going back. I was playing a game a couple years ago, Morrowind. It was the biggest open- ended fantasy role playing game ever. Graphics, orchestral sound, and AI were stunning, and I'd put about 60 hours into exploring this world. I offended someone, got attacked, and defended myself. I killed someone who, out of the thousands of characters you interact with, I thought was meaningless. A window popped up, like if I were religious it would have been GOD. It said that with the death of this person, certain prophecies can never come true. You can keep on playing in this doomed existance if you want to.... So I quit playing, not starting over as that humble idiot just off the prison ship. In real life I tried to kill off my past, start over fresh. It keeps haunting my dreams.... But, here I am thinking this is so unique and woe is me. I'm only doing what every Mexican guy I know has done....
I really don't know or care too much about religions. In my view, we're only here once, maybe twice if you do what I did, and only have this one shot to make our mark.
I fully intend to make a good one.
Thanks for the concern, I'm really touched. Frankly I've been drinking and not rereading my posts. I was angling on the short life thing because I feel I just have so much to accomplish; and the "s" adjective is a bit in your face here so it's weight was subconsciously diminished.
I met Graham Blackburn Saturday. The dude's written 17 books on woodworking, and is pretty darned talented. He was in town with the woodworking show, which I loath, but attended just because of his guest starring appearance. Nice guy. Not cocky as shit like some people I know.
I do tend to get poetic and sad over my situation. Only my closest friends know my identity change secret. I was successful for years, and never even THOUGHT of going back. I was playing a game a couple years ago, Morrowind. It was the biggest open- ended fantasy role playing game ever. Graphics, orchestral sound, and AI were stunning, and I'd put about 60 hours into exploring this world. I offended someone, got attacked, and defended myself. I killed someone who, out of the thousands of characters you interact with, I thought was meaningless. A window popped up, like if I were religious it would have been GOD. It said that with the death of this person, certain prophecies can never come true. You can keep on playing in this doomed existance if you want to.... So I quit playing, not starting over as that humble idiot just off the prison ship. In real life I tried to kill off my past, start over fresh. It keeps haunting my dreams.... But, here I am thinking this is so unique and woe is me. I'm only doing what every Mexican guy I know has done....
I really don't know or care too much about religions. In my view, we're only here once, maybe twice if you do what I did, and only have this one shot to make our mark.
I fully intend to make a good one.

and yes, i wear glasses... I don't see well without them.
and lay your past to rest. You can't change it ya know. (that was spoken with the ignorance of one who has no idea... but we all battle with who we were an what we did, regardless of the situation. Even me.)
[Edited on Feb 20, 2006 7:17PM]
I envy your ability to re-invent yourself.
And I'm glad to see you're all in one piece!