She really stirs me up. A sultry goth girl with a velvety voice, the charisma of a jazz Diva, hauntingly sexy luminescent music, and much of it with NAUTICAL themes. Check these lyrics:
Night cracked like a skull
Made the moon convulse
Wrapped its chilly tongue around my mast
A fortnight it would be
Since I'd been out at sea
Ne'er another soul had crossed my path
I was hauling salt
In my bleached and battered boat
Trawling just to pass the restless night
When I felt the queerest tug
Against that fraying cord
Reeling in a devastating sight
In the brackish sound
Somebody had drowned
She wrapped her raven rings around my line
In a tangled open dress
The most comely bloodless breasts
A distant look was frozen in her eyes
A fiend possessed my soul
As I helped her to disrobe
A rope of weeds was woven round her thighs
My ill and frenzied heart
And the quiet lapping song
Beaten by the splendor of her hips
I had to lay her down
Atop those briny beds
And press my mouth against her silent lips
The frigid moon was green
Upon my wicked scene
My wasted angel shimmering in sand
I had to be with her
And leave the world behind
I knew that no one else could understand
And I slipped her silver palm inside my hand
Married to the bower
I threw our bodies overboard
Our hearts were bound by heavy rusted chain
Now I roam the ocean floor
With the lady I adore
This is where we remain....
Ah how she makes me swoon. Today my knee is not quite up to swing dancing. Not yet. This saddens me greatly, but at least it's showing daily improvement. Swelling is almost all gone, but there is a puffines around my kneecap.
I shopped at thrift stores today, and noticed a creepy gay dude who said "hola" twice to me IN ANOTHER STORE. The next place I saw him I was looking at ship in a bottle, as I collect nautical memorabilia like sextants, dive helmets, old nautical charts, etc. "Ssssooo... you like boats, do you? I LOVE boats...." Big grin. Ewwww. Here I am wearing a Nautica Competition jacket and Sperry Top-Sider boat shoes, and have a model boat in my hand. "Not really." I turned and left, driving recklessly fast....
I might be dense but I am not really sure what you are talking about? What are you intrested in?
hello from the office bitch with big boobs! i love her!!!! she has a fabulous voice & she got to sing with mike patton!