A lot of folks who don't fish don't get it. We fisherman are notorious for not explaining it to spouses or strangers. But our fishing buddies know. It's not all that complicated, yet it's the ultimate chess game. In a sense it's like Louis Armstrong's paradox. "If it has to be explained, it can't be...."
Well, let me simplify things....
'Das what I'M talkin' about!
Well, let me simplify things....

'Das what I'M talkin' about!
We drove by the last place I went fishing yesterday... out in the middle of the Sacramento Delta in the middle of BFE!
We spent all day fishing, and caught ONE catfish for all our trouble.
After driving said catfish home in the back of a 5.0 Mustang for like 83 miles in a bucket of yummy dirty delta water, we dropped it into my buddy's outdoor fish tank.
And the final outcome of all this?
We awake the next morning to find out the racoons had enjoyed themselves a delicious catfish.
Needless to say, I haven't been fishing since. I enjoy relaxing times that involve water, just without a pole or hook to frustrate me.
I guess I just don't get it!