I have been dreading writing this entry for a few reasons. One being that it pisses me off even to repeat it and two being that it forces me to face the music.
::le sigh::
I have been trying to move to a new (higher) department where I work for the past month or so now because I would not only like a much-needed and deserved raise, but I would like to move up in the company. I really don't think that being bottom-rung on the ladder is doing much for me.
Let me explain something. I started working here over 6 months ago. When I was hired, I was told that after 3 months I would get a series of evaluations and I would get a raised based on them. In my second month with the company I was already one of the top 3 people in the department. About a month ago a person from another department told me that we can only get raises once a year. After a year. And you get a whopping 23 cents. Not even a full quarter. Oh. I'm thrilled.
So I talked to the human resources person, my boss, and the manager of the department I want to move to. HR says "Yeah, you totally deserve to move and we don't want you to leave." Now, back a month or so, I was supposed to work directly under the HR person in the office, but they didn't offer me enough money or hours to make it worth my while, so I politely turned it down. My manager told me if it was what I wanted to do, that's cool. And the manager of the other department said she really wanted me over there. Awesome.
Before yesterday I had been waiting a week for the HR person to tell me what I would be making if I moved over to the new department. The manager of the other department comes up to me yesterday and basically says that the general manager won't approve my transfer because I make more money for the company where I am. Which would be fine if they offered me a raise. Or a cookie. Any incentive to move. But no. They want me to deal with it, be complacent with where I am and what I am doing and just go on with my life.
In the three days I have:
-trained 4 people at once when there were other associates in my department that could have done so
-worked on the team I wanted to move to for the same pay
-got stuck working in a completely different department with 4 people in training that I couldn't help. I know nothing about their area and the manager had no one over there to help them.
Therefore I am being pushed to do a lot more than I am being paid for and they would rather hire someone incompetent and inexperienced for the department I want to move to than transfer me.
Do I just sound like a bitchy whiner or does this not make sense to anyone else?
::le sigh::
I have been trying to move to a new (higher) department where I work for the past month or so now because I would not only like a much-needed and deserved raise, but I would like to move up in the company. I really don't think that being bottom-rung on the ladder is doing much for me.
Let me explain something. I started working here over 6 months ago. When I was hired, I was told that after 3 months I would get a series of evaluations and I would get a raised based on them. In my second month with the company I was already one of the top 3 people in the department. About a month ago a person from another department told me that we can only get raises once a year. After a year. And you get a whopping 23 cents. Not even a full quarter. Oh. I'm thrilled.
So I talked to the human resources person, my boss, and the manager of the department I want to move to. HR says "Yeah, you totally deserve to move and we don't want you to leave." Now, back a month or so, I was supposed to work directly under the HR person in the office, but they didn't offer me enough money or hours to make it worth my while, so I politely turned it down. My manager told me if it was what I wanted to do, that's cool. And the manager of the other department said she really wanted me over there. Awesome.
Before yesterday I had been waiting a week for the HR person to tell me what I would be making if I moved over to the new department. The manager of the other department comes up to me yesterday and basically says that the general manager won't approve my transfer because I make more money for the company where I am. Which would be fine if they offered me a raise. Or a cookie. Any incentive to move. But no. They want me to deal with it, be complacent with where I am and what I am doing and just go on with my life.
In the three days I have:
-trained 4 people at once when there were other associates in my department that could have done so
-worked on the team I wanted to move to for the same pay
-got stuck working in a completely different department with 4 people in training that I couldn't help. I know nothing about their area and the manager had no one over there to help them.
Therefore I am being pushed to do a lot more than I am being paid for and they would rather hire someone incompetent and inexperienced for the department I want to move to than transfer me.
Do I just sound like a bitchy whiner or does this not make sense to anyone else?