And let me apologize ahead of time if the order of this blog doesnt exactly make sense, cause in all honesty im high as giraffe pussy right now which is honestly a good thing cause I think thats staving the stabbing pain I get in my rear deltoid. And in case your wondering I have a deep and sever hill sachs lesion in my right shoulder.
Which basically means that the bone of my shoulder that looks like a socket has a dent in it and if at anytime I move my shoulder to the point of the fracture site, it dislocates, which hurts like mutha fucka and is in all honesty completely debilitating. I was suppose to have surgery yesterday but unfortunately for me I have a serious yet non-life threatening injury and I live in the United States, FUCK.
In other good news however Ive been getting alot more action lately because my insurance and health clinic have been jerking me around so much. Long frustrating bullshit filled story short, they havent followed procedure at all and have fucked up in every step of the process in getting me my surgery,FUCK.
And honestly I wouldnt be that pissed if I hadn't already gone on medical leave from my work so I could still have an income. But really its all good though cause I fucking hated my job and im glad to have a little time off before I become a post-op zombie because in order the fix my shoulder there going to have to perform a bone graph of other parts of my collar bone AND shoulder in combination with sewing a few tendons back into their correct place which is gonna be pretty fucking intense, or atleast thats what the doctor said, well not so much in those words but you get the idea.
The only real cool part about my job is I was making some really good friends who really got me.
But in all sincerity I wanna talk about a dear friend of mine who passed away about two months ago.
Other than that the holidays came and went and I got to see all my favorite creatures again.
I need to move and find a place that allows dogs cause my Aunt wants me to take her Golden Retriever.
Her name is Julia and I love her, and someday were gonna be together.
This is pebbles
She's a little psycho devil rat from hell
and i wub her
Other than that Trixy my peruvian Surname Constrictor has passed the 6 foot barrier, she's now 6'2
Ill post more pics of her later and a baby redtail Surname constrictor I just got later, but right now im hungry.
Good luck with your shoulder surgery. It sucks that it happened, but hopefully this will lead to you having some time to pamper yourself a bit.