Recent scientific research has shown that the over-excessive length and content of this blog can cause severe damage to both the left and right cerebral cortex's of the brain. All are advised to turn back now and never return to the demented scribblings of this motha fucka right here. Any further reading is ill-advised and will result in permanent damage to the psyche of the readers.
Life In Relation to Movement, Energy and Time
I'm not hearing what the universe is trying to tell me, its been the longest eighteen months of my life. It happened in October of 09, I think, the last time I went to my Jiu Jitsu class and my shoulder completely dislocated from the shoulder. Fucking a that sucked so bad, it felt as if my shoulder was in the midst of being cut off every time the slightest muscle twitch would occur anywhere in my left arm, I could barely move my fucking fingers without the sharp this is why it must feel like to get your arm cut off, type pain that would send my whole body into brief moments of Rigor Mortis. It only took about 45 minutes to get from the academy to the E.R. but it felt like it took two hours and forty three minutes. Oh man, the drugs they gave me were so fucking good though, I dont know if that shits suppose to numb the pain in your injured area or just make you so fucking high that you cant feel your arms. I still cant believe I got lost from my driveway to my front door once I got dropped off back home.
Its dislocated 14 times since then and the doctor who operated on me last year chose the easy operation that was at best a temporary fix for somebody who is as physically active as I am. Fuck did I expect from a medi-cal doctor though. This is far from the original plan of turning pro and fighting for a living as soon as I can as my shoulder cant even handle the rigors and doing a kip up. I've come to a few life altering realizations since than however as I now know that my capabilities in this world are only limited by the articles and knowledge that I'm unaware of which is many.
However I feel the knowledge and talents I have at the moment are enough to effectively fight those in this world that are seeking one thing, more power. After my dislocation and sidelining from the world of MMA I was forced to deal with my worldly tribulations not in an external manner in which I had all my life before, but I had to venture within myself to overcome the darkest moments of my life. And through my voyeurs of internal exploration I have discovered my true love of hip hop. I've been tracing it all back, from the origins of this majestic force of ethereal creativity that was established from those who are from the birthplace of civilization to the harbingers of this heavenly muse that are currently seeking refuge from the media vultures by venturing underground.
I can now also see my enemies in the clearness of day, the ones responsible for misperceiving the world into believing that the culture that saved my life died long ago. They are the same people aligned with the one percent who are seeking more power and it all makes perfect sense to me now as to why they are seeking to silence those of us who know the true meaning of this culture. This is a culture steeped in rebellion that was forged from the children of slaves.
A culture that screams defiantly in the dark for those who have no voice and now that I finally completed my project, it is now my turn to scream even louder. For I am only limited by that of which I do not know, as is every other human currently alive on this earth which is why even if this project fails I will refuse to give up, I will never surrender my fight against those who seek control of the illusion of power.
For I also know that life only exists because moments of brilliant timing. For example according to our planets top astrophysicists our world was supposedly created from mass chunks of space rock colliding at just the right angle, time and moment until they finally formed a large enough collection of space rock that allowed Earth as we humans call it to contract a force of energy known as gravity. From there life began for us on this planet and fast forward some couple of billion of years and your parents than collided energy forces to create you. It is also because of our position in this galaxy of being the perfect distance from the sun that life is sustainable on this planet. For it is well known that we are not the only planet, but why are we the only known planet with an unknown energy source that some refer to as the soul and others refer to as Qi that allows us our own specific movement? Is this energy source that can be measured in volts of electricity unique to our planet, because we all know that it is not unique to our species. Anywhere on this planet where there is movement there is life and where there is life, there is this unknown energy source. And it is my hypothesis that this unknown source of energy, this soul, this Qi that we all harness is what drives us to collide with one another. For in most instances of social interaction especially with the opposite sex, when we are driven to interact with that person in which we have no prior experience, knowledge or interaction with, we ultimately choose to interact with these unknown people because of the energy in which we can somehow sense within them. And sometimes when we collide with the correct source of energy, our lives are changed forever because of this new addition of Qi within our lives. So what draws our energy towards each other? Are our singular and unique paths of energy somehow pre-determined to collide with each other in a manner in which we can not control, see or understand?
What determines our paths of movement and collision? Does it happen by coincidence and happenstance or is it for something greater in which we cannot comprehend?
The more I think about it, the more I start to believe that our paths and destinies are guided by some kind of force that will always be beyond our consciousness'. When my father hung himself those four years back and the dark times for me began, I couldnt understand why or how these things were happening to me no matter how much I thought about it. But looking at my present state of life and consciousness now it makes perfect sense, for I know now my purpose in this life and I now know what must be done to fight against those who are in power, those who only want one thing, more power, my purpose is to defeat those who broke down my fathers will to live.
And I will never give up, I will never surrender, I will fight to the death against them, to my very last breath.
Recent scientific research has shown that the over-excessive length and content of this blog can cause severe damage to both the left and right cerebral cortex's of the brain. All are advised to turn back now and never return to the demented scribblings of this motha fucka right here. Any further reading is ill-advised and will result in permanent damage to the psyche of the readers.
Life In Relation to Movement, Energy and Time
I'm not hearing what the universe is trying to tell me, its been the longest eighteen months of my life. It happened in October of 09, I think, the last time I went to my Jiu Jitsu class and my shoulder completely dislocated from the shoulder. Fucking a that sucked so bad, it felt as if my shoulder was in the midst of being cut off every time the slightest muscle twitch would occur anywhere in my left arm, I could barely move my fucking fingers without the sharp this is why it must feel like to get your arm cut off, type pain that would send my whole body into brief moments of Rigor Mortis. It only took about 45 minutes to get from the academy to the E.R. but it felt like it took two hours and forty three minutes. Oh man, the drugs they gave me were so fucking good though, I dont know if that shits suppose to numb the pain in your injured area or just make you so fucking high that you cant feel your arms. I still cant believe I got lost from my driveway to my front door once I got dropped off back home.
Its dislocated 14 times since then and the doctor who operated on me last year chose the easy operation that was at best a temporary fix for somebody who is as physically active as I am. Fuck did I expect from a medi-cal doctor though. This is far from the original plan of turning pro and fighting for a living as soon as I can as my shoulder cant even handle the rigors and doing a kip up. I've come to a few life altering realizations since than however as I now know that my capabilities in this world are only limited by the articles and knowledge that I'm unaware of which is many.
However I feel the knowledge and talents I have at the moment are enough to effectively fight those in this world that are seeking one thing, more power. After my dislocation and sidelining from the world of MMA I was forced to deal with my worldly tribulations not in an external manner in which I had all my life before, but I had to venture within myself to overcome the darkest moments of my life. And through my voyeurs of internal exploration I have discovered my true love of hip hop. I've been tracing it all back, from the origins of this majestic force of ethereal creativity that was established from those who are from the birthplace of civilization to the harbingers of this heavenly muse that are currently seeking refuge from the media vultures by venturing underground.
I can now also see my enemies in the clearness of day, the ones responsible for misperceiving the world into believing that the culture that saved my life died long ago. They are the same people aligned with the one percent who are seeking more power and it all makes perfect sense to me now as to why they are seeking to silence those of us who know the true meaning of this culture. This is a culture steeped in rebellion that was forged from the children of slaves.
A culture that screams defiantly in the dark for those who have no voice and now that I finally completed my project, it is now my turn to scream even louder. For I am only limited by that of which I do not know, as is every other human currently alive on this earth which is why even if this project fails I will refuse to give up, I will never surrender my fight against those who seek control of the illusion of power.
For I also know that life only exists because moments of brilliant timing. For example according to our planets top astrophysicists our world was supposedly created from mass chunks of space rock colliding at just the right angle, time and moment until they finally formed a large enough collection of space rock that allowed Earth as we humans call it to contract a force of energy known as gravity. From there life began for us on this planet and fast forward some couple of billion of years and your parents than collided energy forces to create you. It is also because of our position in this galaxy of being the perfect distance from the sun that life is sustainable on this planet. For it is well known that we are not the only planet, but why are we the only known planet with an unknown energy source that some refer to as the soul and others refer to as Qi that allows us our own specific movement? Is this energy source that can be measured in volts of electricity unique to our planet, because we all know that it is not unique to our species. Anywhere on this planet where there is movement there is life and where there is life, there is this unknown energy source. And it is my hypothesis that this unknown source of energy, this soul, this Qi that we all harness is what drives us to collide with one another. For in most instances of social interaction especially with the opposite sex, when we are driven to interact with that person in which we have no prior experience, knowledge or interaction with, we ultimately choose to interact with these unknown people because of the energy in which we can somehow sense within them. And sometimes when we collide with the correct source of energy, our lives are changed forever because of this new addition of Qi within our lives. So what draws our energy towards each other? Are our singular and unique paths of energy somehow pre-determined to collide with each other in a manner in which we can not control, see or understand?
The more I think about it, the more I start to believe that our paths and destinies are guided by some kind of force that will always be beyond our consciousness'. When my father hung himself those four years back and the dark times for me began, I couldnt understand why or how these things were happening to me no matter how much I thought about it. But looking at my present state of life and consciousness now it makes perfect sense, for I know now my purpose in this life and I now know what must be done to fight against those who are in power, those who only want one thing, more power, my purpose is to defeat those who broke down my fathers will to live.
And I will never give up, I will never surrender, I will fight to the death against them, to my very last breath.
haha i really do love your set comments, seriously! so good
lol then I am succeeding!