To un-explain the unforgivable,
Drain all the blood and give the kids a show.
By streetlight this dark night,
A sance down below.
There're things that I have done,
You never should ever know.
come get a job at ohana steak house, you make a SHIT load of money and it is fun,
Somehow i doubt i will ever run into you.
i don't look as good as my pictures i take of myself are.
I just know the right angels and lighting for myself.
Wells Fargo probably isn't as bad as I'm making it sound. This is just a poor training process that they are trying out. Don't get me wrong, the job sounds crummy too, but I haven't started it and I know a bunch of people who find it both adequate and bearable.
I dropped out of school due to financial difficulties. Nevermind, make that financial stupidty because the fucking loan company couldn't get the paperwork straight. I sitll owe the school for my summer term.
The boyfriend and I moved into an apartment. I have my own little sanctuary with my computer, books, posters, etc. It's nice.
Probably, in some sense. I've been handling things well until now. Breaking down isn't what I wanted to do because it's caused me to make a rash decision.
I need stability. This is not fucking stable. I'm going insane. I just want to cry. Why can't ONE thing come easily? Please! It's ONE piece of paper that's making everything a mess. I don't want to be homeless in a month.
On another note:
If there's one thing I worry in this world about more than money, more than myself, more than pretty much... Read More
We don't turn out like our parents. Not unless we aspire to. So don't waste any time worrying about that. Disconnect yourself from that.
Not sure what else to tell you. I spend an enormous amount of time worrying about money, and it's never helped anything, but I still do it. I always figured by the time I was 30 I'd be pretty secure, financially, and stable in my relationship, etc. But it hasn't panned out that way, though really I know things could be a whole lot worse. Point is... well, I'm not sure. Just don't let your mom make you think you're less than what you are, and try to let your dad know he's not judged by his financial well-being. Easier said than done, I know.
So I guess "functioning" only applies in the most literal, physical sense.
But we have an SG in Ames now!