I was bored. And I started randomly drawing, not something I do much anymore. I love to draw, I just get so frustrated because I'm horrible at it and nothing turns out like I want it to. So yeah, I stay away from it to be less frustrated. But, I guess I didn't care tonight. I drew anyway.
If hell froze over and someone's actually reading this, you can look at it here: http://sio.midco.net/iheartfluffy/stuff/lj/temp.jpg .
If you, by chance, do look at it. Ignore the face. I can't do those even if I'm not caring.
[music: Hanson - "In Your Dreams"]
If hell froze over and someone's actually reading this, you can look at it here: http://sio.midco.net/iheartfluffy/stuff/lj/temp.jpg .
If you, by chance, do look at it. Ignore the face. I can't do those even if I'm not caring.

I like your drawing, the same thing happens to me with faces,