Ohh, it's raining out. One of the worst things about winter (besides the obvious coldness, snow, etc
) is not being able to hear rain against the windows, I swear.
Even though that means it's going to be icy/generally yucky tomorrow, haha.
Changed my picture! I need to stop procrastinating. Tomorrow's pay day, yay! I need a better paying job. My waist is down two inches! I need to start exercising. Maybe something light, like yoga or something. Also, I wish the li'l preview pictures of sets/user pictures would work for me. Hohum.
Hi guys. :B
[music: Tegan and Sara - "Clever Meals"]

Even though that means it's going to be icy/generally yucky tomorrow, haha.
Changed my picture! I need to stop procrastinating. Tomorrow's pay day, yay! I need a better paying job. My waist is down two inches! I need to start exercising. Maybe something light, like yoga or something. Also, I wish the li'l preview pictures of sets/user pictures would work for me. Hohum.
Hi guys. :B
[music: Tegan and Sara - "Clever Meals"]
I hear you ont e better paying job tip. Sheesh.

I thought I needed more money, but it wasnt till I was sitting on the crapper on the 5th floor of my building when the song "Hold on" by Wilson Philips came on and then I felt that there was more to life than making money in a corporate world.