I am doomed to wear the same septum ring for the rest of my life.. as I am too much of a wimp to get that goddamn ball off. Fookin' thing is stuck! Haha, and I don't like fiddling too much with it 'cause then my septum gets sore. And here's a picture for your sheer enjoyment.
Isn't it neat how I look TEN?
The Next Day
Good grief, what's wrong with me! I've posted in, like, five/six differnet threads on the boards today. That's more than I've posted in the last month, haha.
Isn't it neat how I look TEN?
The Next Day
Good grief, what's wrong with me! I've posted in, like, five/six differnet threads on the boards today. That's more than I've posted in the last month, haha.
By the way, is Toby a chihuahua? He is very cute. ^_^