My roommate is driving me insane.
But, more importantly - the question of the week for me: Is going back to school worth the added debt? Mrrr.
Anyone hiring for an awesome job in the ATL area?
Or online! I can totally work from home! Hehe.
I'm going to see Tiesto in March. It'll be my first trance concert. So excited, even though I have to drive 3 hours to get there. But you live in Atlanta, you say? Surely he's coming there? Yes, yes he is. To a douchebag club that charges a $20 cover fee on TOP of the ticket price, and is filled with reviews of staff members being shitheads to electronica concert attendees. No thanks. Now to somehow convince my crush to go...
But, more importantly - the question of the week for me: Is going back to school worth the added debt? Mrrr.
Anyone hiring for an awesome job in the ATL area?

I'm going to see Tiesto in March. It'll be my first trance concert. So excited, even though I have to drive 3 hours to get there. But you live in Atlanta, you say? Surely he's coming there? Yes, yes he is. To a douchebag club that charges a $20 cover fee on TOP of the ticket price, and is filled with reviews of staff members being shitheads to electronica concert attendees. No thanks. Now to somehow convince my crush to go...