I've totally been hooked on dance-y music as of late. I just want to get up and move. Madonna's new album is good for this, yes.
I'm getting new glasses around teh fifteenth - clear vision, yay! Costing a lot of money - boo! I even got the cheapest frames available as well as the not-so-great lenses. I went to Wal-Mart Vision, for Rufus' sake.
I keep having dreams about my boyfriend cheating on me.
This last one he was with a blind girl from school and he kept calling me while he was with her trying to explain that he didn't know why he was having sex with her and that he loved me more than anything. He was also getting around with his flying carpet from EQII, hah. Dreams seem to have such a big impact on me, stuff like this makes me sad. Sometimes it ruins my whole day.
(GAH! I just noticed.. My favourite SGs were reset.. -_-)
It's -19degreesF outside. It's over 70degreesF in my apartment. I haven't turned my heat on all winter. Somehow downstairs must like to be toasty, haha.
I wish I could play EverQuest II, Read, and watch some anime (with subtitles) all at the same time.
I'd be set, then, doing everything I want to do, hehe.
I'm getting new glasses around teh fifteenth - clear vision, yay! Costing a lot of money - boo! I even got the cheapest frames available as well as the not-so-great lenses. I went to Wal-Mart Vision, for Rufus' sake.

I keep having dreams about my boyfriend cheating on me.

(GAH! I just noticed.. My favourite SGs were reset.. -_-)
It's -19degreesF outside. It's over 70degreesF in my apartment. I haven't turned my heat on all winter. Somehow downstairs must like to be toasty, haha.
I wish I could play EverQuest II, Read, and watch some anime (with subtitles) all at the same time.

hey hey hey also have a rockin awesome NEW YEARS
man, -19 degrees. i'm glad i'm in tx. although i'll be back braving the cold ia winters soon enough once the new school semester starts.