Ugh, I feel like my skin is on fire. Running a fever. No fun.
I miss taking photos, I think I'm going to try to get some done today.
I need to find a place to get them developed, though..
Hooray, a new term at school has started. I'm going to feel sooo freakin' lazy. I have one class at 8:35 Monday - Thursday. One night class on Mondays. Then, I have two online classes. (This is a full load for this school, we take classes in quarters instead of semesters.) In other words, I have practically all day to do NOTHING! Why couldn't this have been during the fall, when, ya'know.. I can play outside.
I also need to convince my boyfriend that he should probably start making apartment arrangements soon, if he plans on moving into one. The silly boy hates talking about "the future." Sigh.
I think I may have found a new guild for myself in EQII, weee! I need more games. ;\

I miss taking photos, I think I'm going to try to get some done today.

Hooray, a new term at school has started. I'm going to feel sooo freakin' lazy. I have one class at 8:35 Monday - Thursday. One night class on Mondays. Then, I have two online classes. (This is a full load for this school, we take classes in quarters instead of semesters.) In other words, I have practically all day to do NOTHING! Why couldn't this have been during the fall, when, ya'know.. I can play outside.
I also need to convince my boyfriend that he should probably start making apartment arrangements soon, if he plans on moving into one. The silly boy hates talking about "the future." Sigh.
I think I may have found a new guild for myself in EQII, weee! I need more games. ;\
Patrick Stewart is going to be doing one more Trek film
I found Where No Beavis Has Gone Before
oh and btw, you also likely know, you need the Quicktime 7 player, but X3 Teaser is available now.
[Edited on Dec 06, 2005 11:25PM]