Well, vaction is almost over. I have accomplished a lot of sleeping (zzzz), watcing a lot of CSI (yay, box sets!), some house cleaning (that was mostly today), and a bunch of play wrap-up stuff. Oh, on that note, if you or anyone you know is into, say, the SCA or other Renaissance Fair-type things, I'll be e-Baying some costumes shortly. I'll put up a link.
Oh, and the actor that broke some of the set on closing night is actually going to pay me back for the damage. That's a pleasant surprise.
I also got my labret pierced. It's neat, but the giant metal bar in my mouth makes chewing difficult. It tends to turn and get caught on my teeth. Talking to my husband after I got it done, I also found out that he's less adverse to the idea of me getting my nipples pierced than I had thought. He mostly just objects to the keep-your-damn-mitts-off healing period that would have to follow. (Mental note.)
Still got a pile of ironing to do and a bunch of trash to take out before people come over later. I feel so domestic.
You never know, maybe I'll make cookies, too.
Oh, and the actor that broke some of the set on closing night is actually going to pay me back for the damage. That's a pleasant surprise.
I also got my labret pierced. It's neat, but the giant metal bar in my mouth makes chewing difficult. It tends to turn and get caught on my teeth. Talking to my husband after I got it done, I also found out that he's less adverse to the idea of me getting my nipples pierced than I had thought. He mostly just objects to the keep-your-damn-mitts-off healing period that would have to follow. (Mental note.)
Still got a pile of ironing to do and a bunch of trash to take out before people come over later. I feel so domestic.

(Also ya, be careful with those labrets, dangerous bastards they are).