I just discovered Rent. Ten years after the rest of the world. Sigh. The main thing that impresses me is that there are actually 20-odd distinct songs instead of two or three with different lyrics. And of course the saddest production story ever.
Otherwise, Pride and Prima Donnas rehearsals progress apace. I got through my first rehearsal where I was in charge and one of the people I needed was missing without feeling like I wasted anybody's time. Wee! And the singers are impressing me, which is great too. I have some dance to choreograph, but that, odddly enough, I'm not panicking (how the hell do you spell that word?) about. Huh. Well, less panic is good, I guess.
Wedding plans are going. At some point I really have to take a day to go (shudder) dress shopping. I know what I want (halter top, A-line skirt, no train, minimal sparklies stuck all over everything) but I just don't want to have to go find it, I would like it to please just appear. No? Damn!
That's what I figured. They don't look like easily scared critter or critters you can just push to the side of the road. Here's to hoping that when I go back next week the moose have the common sense to stay in the woods!
Dress shopping huh? Perhaps you can bribe someone with chocolate covered blueberries?