Well, it was a double show day today (matine and evening show) filled with...interesting...things.
Performance-wise, it was pretty good: I was on my game, no major screw ups, Evita was on fire for the evening show.
In other news, one person asked me if I was in the high school drama class the director teaches and another declared I was not old enough to drink when we went to Boston Pizza afterwards. All potential insinuations that my acting / singing resembles that of a high school drama student aside, this means that two different people in one day have mistaken me for 17 at most. That's kind of cool.
However, as far as the cast goes...I hate them and wish to kill them all. They're factioning up like a bunch of junior high girls. Forgive me if I don't want to spend all my time talking about how stupid or incompentent or mean or whatever other people in the cast are. None of these people have given me any cause to actively dislike them, except for this veiled infighting. Hence, I wish to kill them all. Well, except the tech crew. I bonded with them during the break between shows. They're pretty cool. Much as I like performing, socially I just can't lump myself in with the "actors" anymore. I guess it's true in that respect: once you go techie, you can't go back.
Oh, and here's a continuation on my previous rant about misplaced or misused chivalry. My fianc was at the movies tonight so I didn't have a ride home from the theatre. I started walking home (or at least to a bus that would take me home), and the director pulled up next to me and asked where I was going. I explained the bus stop thing and he said, "That's silly, get in the car." I did, assuming he was offering to drive me home. Instead, he drove me to the Boston Pizza where a bunch of the other cast members had gone and told me I should ask around there and find someone to drive me home. What? I should point out that this Boston Pizza is farther away from my house than the theatre. Basically, he just said, "Let me rescue you from the fate of having to walk home alone in the dark by taking your farther away from your destination." This is not helping! In fact, it's an active hindrance! Thank you so much. Grah!
In conclusion: Good shows, youthful appearance, bad chivalry, stupid humans, kill them all.