So I'm feeling completely out of touch with my job. Its like pushing wind, there's no sense of anything concrete really happening..
I guess this is normal for most sales positions, but I'm still getting used to it
And we are off on the election trail for the next federal election (canada). 3 months before the likely call date - go NDP.
oh, and my wife just sold one of her expensive benches - yay
I guess this is normal for most sales positions, but I'm still getting used to it
And we are off on the election trail for the next federal election (canada). 3 months before the likely call date - go NDP.
oh, and my wife just sold one of her expensive benches - yay
*faints* i need a lil help here =/
haha i make no sense...
I am thinking if I had to break the ice to gain entrance to the pool, I might not be in the mood for swimming. I don't like me in freezing water.
[: congrats. on your wife's sell. It's amazing to be able to create something that someone else would like and buy:]