well, this will be a shorter post, mainly because i cant be that bothered at the moment..i may add more soon.
I BOUGHT AN iPOD...i cry beacause i have no idea if its even working at the moment, it seems to be stuck on initializing....i'll leave it and see how it goes
i go to seegrooviesmile soon and it will be good and i cant wait
i finish work in the next few weeks (this is a very good thing)
and i'm off to uni on the 25th
i have rediscovered my love for the GLC through the new track "your missus is a nutter" lyrical genius .....i mean "you can't deny it, it's something you cant miss, that bird who's hangin out with you is mad like cat piss" and the line "last week she ended up on a binge, she got off her tits and showed the bouncers her minge"
who can argue that these lyrics aren't slightly dylan-esque..i'd even put it up there with the greatest works of chaucer and dickens....
ok for now that is all thats going on wih me at the moment.
love to all....you fuckin knows it!
I BOUGHT AN iPOD...i cry beacause i have no idea if its even working at the moment, it seems to be stuck on initializing....i'll leave it and see how it goes
i go to seegrooviesmile soon and it will be good and i cant wait
i finish work in the next few weeks (this is a very good thing)
and i'm off to uni on the 25th
i have rediscovered my love for the GLC through the new track "your missus is a nutter" lyrical genius .....i mean "you can't deny it, it's something you cant miss, that bird who's hangin out with you is mad like cat piss" and the line "last week she ended up on a binge, she got off her tits and showed the bouncers her minge"
who can argue that these lyrics aren't slightly dylan-esque..i'd even put it up there with the greatest works of chaucer and dickens....
ok for now that is all thats going on wih me at the moment.
love to all....you fuckin knows it!

I had a sony walkman mp3 player, it ws beautiful. But i couldnt figure out how to get it to work. After about a month i realised that was because it DIDNT work and so i upgraded it to a newer beautiful red one.
are you excited about uni..? i remember before i started i was a weird mix of excited and nervous. but first year is so much fun! x
I study politics at uni, it's not as boring and scary as it sounds! it's kinda just history that isn't history yet. Next year is my last year so i have to specialise in 2 sections. I'm doing war & peace and feminism. i am the least feminist person in theworld and so i think i'll quite enjoy arguing wiith the feminist snobs in the group