Well, it's been a while since i've been on here and written something, mainly due to a distinct lack of being able to view the girls thanks to the shitty filter system at uni.
Well, since January ive done pretty much nothing, had a few practices with the band and started writing stuff, got a new girlf. but other than thatnot done much.
maybe by the time i get home for easter next week i'll have something good to write on here.
on another note check out my band at: Turning Point
and check me on Myspace
Well, since January ive done pretty much nothing, had a few practices with the band and started writing stuff, got a new girlf. but other than thatnot done much.
maybe by the time i get home for easter next week i'll have something good to write on here.
on another note check out my band at: Turning Point
and check me on Myspace
The second series is awesome
Love your bands website btw, ill have a listen when my speakers stop being fucked.