well, it's been a while. but its over with at least, no more uni blocker stopping me getitng on the site.
at the moment im home, shit
working, shit
but am going to be getting money, yay
except i gotta pay rent on my house for next year over the summer, shit.
couple of things to look forwardto anyway, trip to maidstone, kent for a...
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at the moment im home, shit
working, shit
but am going to be getting money, yay
except i gotta pay rent on my house for next year over the summer, shit.
couple of things to look forwardto anyway, trip to maidstone, kent for a...
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Well, it's been a while since i've been on here and written something, mainly due to a distinct lack of being able to view the girls thanks to the shitty filter system at uni.
Well, since January ive done pretty much nothing, had a few practices with the band and started writing stuff, got a new girlf. but other than thatnot done much.
maybe by...
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Well, since January ive done pretty much nothing, had a few practices with the band and started writing stuff, got a new girlf. but other than thatnot done much.
maybe by...
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Yeah!!!! They doo!!!!
The second series is awesome
Love your bands website btw, ill have a listen when my speakers stop being fucked.
The second series is awesome

Love your bands website btw, ill have a listen when my speakers stop being fucked.
so, another christmas been and gone, and again i'm bored, i hate the fact that im too old for loadsa gifts, i mean i got a new digital camera and some money, but nothing like when i was a kid and we got a playstation or a massive action man car, or even the thunderbirds base(which i still have, and not the one made on...
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i got a playstation2 for christmas! yaay.
Happy new year! are you coming to the leeds meet in feb? you should... xxx
Happy new year! are you coming to the leeds meet in feb? you should... xxx
yea there's an SGUK meet in leeds on the 25th of Feb. Are you in the SGUK group?
If no.. request to join! we have some funnnn meets.
If no.. request to join! we have some funnnn meets.

SO...it's my birthday and so far i have a new pair of trainers from the gf, a cheque, a colouring in set and a remote control stunt car. to be honest i don't think im an ordinary 20yr old. it just leaves me to wonder what i'll get when i go home this weekend.
i've realised i havnt been on here for ages, mainly because...
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i've realised i havnt been on here for ages, mainly because...
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happy birthday sweet boy

have a great xmas! xxx
yaay for being able to look at naked chicks again xxx
yaay for being able to look at naked chicks again xxx
happy bday to you happy bday to you

Happy Birthday!
I've had no credit either? Oh, ok, so that's not an excuse that works for me. I guess I'm just a rude person and don't text enough. Plus there wasn't much to text about. Plus I knew you had no credit, so you'd not reply and then I'd feel demotivated and sad.
Actually, I well just texted you now. And in the union. So, you know, you got your fair share. Pffft.
Ooh, did we just have our first marital argument?!
(For any of you ladies that love this boy, ignore that. We're not married.)
(See boy, I am good-I'm won't ruin your chances with the ladies just for mild comedy.)
Well, Mos is back from her late night drunkenness. Glad to see she's told me she's home ok. Pfft. I hate drunk people.
Actually, I well just texted you now. And in the union. So, you know, you got your fair share. Pffft.
Ooh, did we just have our first marital argument?!
(For any of you ladies that love this boy, ignore that. We're not married.)
(See boy, I am good-I'm won't ruin your chances with the ladies just for mild comedy.)
Well, Mos is back from her late night drunkenness. Glad to see she's told me she's home ok. Pfft. I hate drunk people.
thank you for making the wallpaper of me!!! it was amaaaaaaaaaaaazing
thank you for making the wallpaper of me!!! it was amaaaaaaaaaaaazing
well....i have just got back from my trip to london, i had muchas fun...saw the starting line who were very good...apart from that i basically stayed in bed and slept.
ended up at the university of surrey freshers night...wasn't much fun to be honest, although i did some great lying to get myself into the place in the first place...oh yes mr bouncer..i'm a student,...
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ended up at the university of surrey freshers night...wasn't much fun to be honest, although i did some great lying to get myself into the place in the first place...oh yes mr bouncer..i'm a student,...
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Ohhh, I must have seen a few buses going there or something, because I know the name. Did you know there is a place called fishpool around here?
I catch three buses too and from college, so I see a whole lotta buses, haha.

i cant waaaaaaait to get my new tattoo!!
yea, back at uni, ive been back for a week today, but it doesnt actually start til monday. im slightly nervous about it being my last year. more so that it means im not gonna be a student for much longer!
good luck with the move to uni! you're gonna love it!
yea, back at uni, ive been back for a week today, but it doesnt actually start til monday. im slightly nervous about it being my last year. more so that it means im not gonna be a student for much longer!
good luck with the move to uni! you're gonna love it!
so....i havnt been online for the last week....and nothing has changed really, except i am now a week closer to uni...and only have 1 week till i quit my crappy job of the last 1year and 3 months..im so happy...i'll do a proper update soon..till then
What u up to at uni then???
Where are you going to Uni? What courses are you doing?
well, this will be a shorter post, mainly because i cant be that bothered at the moment..i may add more soon.
I BOUGHT AN iPOD...i cry beacause i have no idea if its even working at the moment, it seems to be stuck on initializing....i'll leave it and see how it goes
i go to seegrooviesmile soon and it will be good and i...
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I BOUGHT AN iPOD...i cry beacause i have no idea if its even working at the moment, it seems to be stuck on initializing....i'll leave it and see how it goes
i go to seegrooviesmile soon and it will be good and i...
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I am morally against Ipods. Well maybe not morally. I just dont like Bono. And he's on the adverts.
I had a sony walkman mp3 player, it ws beautiful. But i couldnt figure out how to get it to work. After about a month i realised that was because it DIDNT work and so i upgraded it to a newer beautiful red one.
are you excited about uni..? i remember before i started i was a weird mix of excited and nervous. but first year is so much fun! x
I had a sony walkman mp3 player, it ws beautiful. But i couldnt figure out how to get it to work. After about a month i realised that was because it DIDNT work and so i upgraded it to a newer beautiful red one.
are you excited about uni..? i remember before i started i was a weird mix of excited and nervous. but first year is so much fun! x
hehe, someone i know made wrist bands that said "Make Bono History", i want one so much!
I study politics at uni, it's not as boring and scary as it sounds! it's kinda just history that isn't history yet. Next year is my last year so i have to specialise in 2 sections. I'm doing war & peace and feminism. i am the least feminist person in theworld and so i think i'll quite enjoy arguing wiith the feminist snobs in the group

I study politics at uni, it's not as boring and scary as it sounds! it's kinda just history that isn't history yet. Next year is my last year so i have to specialise in 2 sections. I'm doing war & peace and feminism. i am the least feminist person in theworld and so i think i'll quite enjoy arguing wiith the feminist snobs in the group

decided on that tattoo yet? x
ah, that sounds like a cool tattoo idea.
im okay! Im VERY excited by a 2-Stormy-set day. She's definately becoming one of my alltime favourite SGs. i keep watching her video and i cant wwaaait to get the dvd!
how are you? x
im okay! Im VERY excited by a 2-Stormy-set day. She's definately becoming one of my alltime favourite SGs. i keep watching her video and i cant wwaaait to get the dvd!
how are you? x
Im gutted, Im not going to any this ear, due to being fucking skinty poo