Hey I'm back from the dead.......sorry i've been busy lately working 2 jobs and driving back and forth to Cleburne (about 45 min away) to see the boi. Hope everyone had a good forth of July. I had a pretty good fourth......spent it in Alpine with my mum and aunt who were attending their high school reunion (all the classes of the '60s) my grandpa went too, nice to see him......he is getting really old (just turned 90!), and really forgetful.....i'm afraid he won't be with us too much longer. I am still with my boyfriend, Jason, we have been together for 8 months now and i will be moving in with him in cleburne in about 2 months........and we are getting a puppy!!!! It is going to be a big doggy (we are probably going to adopt one), i really want a boxer! My sister is going away to graduate school in August.....she will be going to Nebraska of all places, and I got to help my mum move her......Anyways, hope you are having a good summer!
Grab Court, and lets go drink somewhere fun!