Again I wake up at the crack of dawn.....baaah, I guess I'll sleep on the train. Yesterday was the beach. I chose Ischia because the big touist spot seemed to be Capri. I took the ferry, never been on one before, It was very beautiful. It was the first time I really got to swim in the ocean. But there were no sea shells!!?? The beach was filled with Italians and Germans. Apparently it is a big German spot. In the little town all the signs were in Italian, German, and English. I put on lots of sunscreen so I didn't get burned. There is a really weird guy staying in the hostel. He is older (maybe 40) and acted strangely on several occasions. First, he went into the kitchen and asked how to boil water. Then he was in his room and the phone at the front desk rang, he came out and said is it for me?!?!?!?! Everyone was laughing at him. I went to Pompeii with a friend from this hostel. I had a bus ticket that I bought the other day and he didn't. At one of the stops, a transport police officer got on and came up to us (probably because it is obvious that we are tourists) and my friend had to pay a 35 euro fine on the spot!!!! The busses are different here. You don't buy a ticket from the driver, you get one from a newspaper stand, and there are several doors on the bus. When you get on, you have to validate you ticket in the machine. Anyways, that is all for now.


this is the coolest trip i will never take!