I arrived in Edinburgh yesterday. I love this city, its my fav. so far. Very beautiful!! Wish I wasn't so expensive or else I'd spend more time here. It was extremely windy though, don't know if it is usually that way. Tomorrow I fly to Rome, I'm very excited about that. Did my laundry in the sink for the first time, and paid to go tinkle for the first time as well. Actually got a good night sleep for once, not waking up at the crack of dawn (since the sun comes up at like 5am and doesn't set till after 10pm). Getting over my illness, all that remains is a cough. The hostel here is my favorite so far as well. One drawback is that you have to climb 80 stairs to get there. The people at the hostel are all really friendly. I've been doing a lot of self catering, which is much cheaper, although I am getting tired of spaghetti!!! Well, that's all for now.
Edinburgh is fun!! I've been there before! Rome is very, um, catholic.
wooooooooo hey.. hope you're having an awesome time!