not much going on in these here parts...just the same old shit....
i'm all crafty these days....i'm currently almost done with my first project...I am decorating this tank top i've had for a million was just a plain jane grey tank top...but i added a skull and crossbones and a bunch of stars..I think it looks neato, i'll have to post pictures when i'm finished...
I'm soo fucking excited about tooobin'. It is gonna be sooo much fun....I used to go every year but i haven't been in like 3. I hope my boi will be able to come. He is looking for a job right now, so when he gets a job, he can't ask for a particular day off right away.
My garden is kick ass now....ok, i really have two gardens. One for edibles and one for nice smelly things. Currently in the edible garden I have 5 tomato plants, 5 strawberry plants, 5 cantalope, 4 baby pumpkin plants, 5 onions, and some herbs. I can't wait for my first harvest.
over and out for now
i'm all crafty these days....i'm currently almost done with my first project...I am decorating this tank top i've had for a million was just a plain jane grey tank top...but i added a skull and crossbones and a bunch of stars..I think it looks neato, i'll have to post pictures when i'm finished...
I'm soo fucking excited about tooobin'. It is gonna be sooo much fun....I used to go every year but i haven't been in like 3. I hope my boi will be able to come. He is looking for a job right now, so when he gets a job, he can't ask for a particular day off right away.
My garden is kick ass now....ok, i really have two gardens. One for edibles and one for nice smelly things. Currently in the edible garden I have 5 tomato plants, 5 strawberry plants, 5 cantalope, 4 baby pumpkin plants, 5 onions, and some herbs. I can't wait for my first harvest.
over and out for now
Howdy Howdy. Just thought I would say hi sounds like you might be having fun. Was up your way just last week to see my girl

i cant wait to live in a house again, i want a garden. hell, i just want a yard!!