omg i was just in NY for 4 days. if only i hadn't been too drunk to turn on the computer the whole time! o well keep having a righteous time, see you back at home i guess.
ps - yeah lets do stuff. sunday? i can't do anything till then because of the marathon. and i'm leaving for the east coast tuesday. so sun/mon/or you'll just have to wait till i get back!
vince vaugh bugged the crap out for me for the longest time. I forget what movie I saw which changed my opinion but it was one where he WASN'T a complete asshole.
going to a strip club with your girl is fun
80 degree water is chill, i mean warm and nice
1 dollar tacos are goooood
lots of pictures of abandoned cars and la virgin de guadalupe
even our car getting stuck in like 2 feet in the sand was funny once it was over
yeah, that outfit is totally bitchin! i really don't watch tv, so i've never seen the show, but i have heard a lot about it. thanks for the link. i even have a tv in our living room at home, i've never turned it on though. but sometimes i sit down with my roommate's & see good stuff, i just have no impulse to watch on my own. which is good, i guess. hope your week's starting off well.
my whole street was turned into a bocce ball court this weekend........18 courts, 4 tons of was a tourny for bastille day. Food, Drinks, Fun. PICS gmailed to you soon.