Hi lands of SG,
I'll be soon (starting black Friday) visiting Chicago for the first time, I'm super excited and flying a couple days ahead of time so I can wander around and have already checked some coffee shops online that I hope I can visit. I can't thank @penny enough for taking me in for the shootfest she organized <3
I'm worried about the cold/winter 'cause I'm a wimp about winter but trying to prepare myself as much as I can.
So have you been to Chicago? What would you recommend or what is something that you thought was amazing (food wise, sightseeing wise, etc) out there? I have eyed a couple coffee shops so far but other than that I'm blank yet on what to see when I'm out there.
Other than that I just bought my first car in this country :) possibly one of the few times they actually were good at finding my credit trail (usually credit lines either forget about me or ask me for extra papers because my SSN is only about 3 years old and then forget about me again) it was fast enough but I don't like dealerships or the hard sell x_x happy that is done though, now me and the puppy will be able to get to the dog park again and around exploring! it had been since July just walking or biking everywhere since I couldn't make up my mind and agree with the husband.
I got it yesterday so today is the first day I've used it, so far Ava is so happy we already made it to the dog park.

@dk and I went flyering a few weeks ago up to Petaluma, it was like a little afternoon exploring trip which led to also going with @dk (and her partner) this past Monday to see the @blackheartburlesque show and it was amazing as always. It was the first time for my husband <3 he had fun and enjoyed the acts; if you haven't seen the show yet you should ;) it's always amazing, everybody is including the merch ladies <3

I've been painting/lettering more often in the past few months when time allows me to <3 & killing my interest in riding horses by playing Red Dead Redemption 2.
Brief photo updates:
(practicing my latte art to see if I can go to some throwdowns)
(Native American pride weekend with some of their dances)
Halloween Ava
and I think that's it, I'll most likely spend Thanksgiving at home alone with my dog which is totally fine Andrew is in AL visiting his family, I kind of want to prepare myself a nice non-thanksgiving dinner or something tho.
What are you doing for Thanksgiving?
Huge hugs,