Because Venezuela (my homeland) went to the shit hole and just wanted to blog a bit about it for enlightenment though I'm sure there are places having worst times.
So some of you may know, i'm actually from Venezuela (a land between Colombia and Brazil in south america) we were inspiration for the movie "Up in the sky" and produce beauty pageants, perfect plastic surgery and oil (also pretty bad presidents that are funny due being super ignorant or stupid) anyway.
So in Vzla is prohibited to use cameras in grocery stores and overall is dangerous because you could just get yourself robbed or in prison.... I broke my phone as soon as I landed (by mistake) 3 weeks ago but got to borrow a point and shoot.
Most supermarkets are militarized and scarcity is the worst the land has ever seen, people behave erratic, nobody follows the traffic lights, horrible driving, the walkers just walk in front of you, its all fucked.
(this is a grocery store, let me add shit was pretty back in the day, now everything looks like crap cause $1 is = to 400Bs but minimum wage is 5000Bs per month) so shit is hella expensive now and they allow you to buy for example at this place only 4 bags of corn flour per day, per person, also don't forget the excess of prison style grid)
Anyway, i'm heading back to the Bay area now in 2 weeks, sad to see my land all fucked but with the big hopes of actually having a career which I can live fine and be safe, maybe help my family as time goes by, etc.
Went to get my birth certificate so I can get married, so I actually got to see the book my dad (now dead) signed in 86... thats how stuck in time this land seems to be nowadays.
Its not all horrible, if you ever feel like visiting and look pretty latin or whatever (beards apparently are a sign of foreigner or so i'm told) you'll be rich if you change US dollars, you'll eat cheap and can enjoy great beaches and check out hot chicks too.
but though i'm happy my family seems fine and fortunately the places I have always liked remain fine as well, i'm sad to see my land go to shit and people start acting like we are in a "The Walking Dead" episode.
In other news now I'm stuck with a Cholesterol pill at least for a looooong time, cause my doctor found I have a bad gene causing really high bad cholesterol, go me!
So if you have a fellow that is Venezuelan, hug them and don't mention politics :P at least not from their Vzla.
Here's one of the tortoises at my grandma, they are way more civilized than the folks outside.