So this week I finished the set of the cute @cooky which is a new hopeful for the site. She's a baker and If you haven't met her yet go say hi, she's been in the site for some time now but this will be her first hopeful set.
Here's a preview since its coming out in 4 months :)
Also I think you guys maybe saw pictures of these upcoming set in the past since we shot it in 2013, but we finally submitted @myzaree new set to the queue >yeaaaaayyyyy< so a lot of you already know her since she has tons of already kick ass sets in member review, however our set should be coming out by July :)
another preview, let me tell you she had to endure some cold winds for this set and her eyes are so blue it was hard at time for her to keep them open because it was so bright out there :P
Besides that I feel maybe Friday the 13th tried catching up some bad luck onto me after the weekend. I burned my left thumb pretty badly on sunday while working some caramel and then fell down the stairs on monday :( i'm alright though, no broken bones just a bruised bum.
How's your week going guys?