This is a quick blog, this week is midterms, i'm currently working on my last one -well i'm actually procrastinating blogging here- but i needed the break.
Mainly i've been working on my thesis project, which leads to the constant question of next year "what is gonna happen after i'm done with my masters?"
Venezuela is not doing better, reading news about my land is just depressing, the coin keeps going down, the economic crisis goes up and the crime remains... I'm glad to think that i have hustle enough here in San Francisco and my photography things have actually grow which for a place such as SF/Oakland is a big deal, i get gigs and referrals from fellow photogs and i'm proud that i have clients, however as a designer which is what i came for my masters, i need to believe this will happen too and that a company will keep me and i'll be successful, i have my mind open about leaving California anyway, maybe heading to Austin after graduation or what not, maybe heading to new lands closer to home.
Venezuelan's for me sounds like a kind about to be extinct, that's how i feel while i walk the streets of the city, always staring at the sky or talking to the dogs i walk and wondering when do i run into my people, i miss the conversations, the slang, the familiarity and friendship that Venezuela and the south american culture has always offered me, can't complain too much though my boyfriend is from here (US) and he loves and takes care of me and the friends i have made, few but special as each of them can be, i guess i just miss the people i always called home, sigh.
Anyway, here's some pics from dia de los muertos, funny thing i actually went to shoot a baptism before this :P
Dear hopefuls i shot a couple weeks ago, i'm working on your images, i just got swamped with school, i'll be done soon with your images, promise :)
Love to all and hopefully i bring you naked hopefuls on the next blog.