I keep hearing today is the last day this old site is up and that it will be possibly down until Monday.
Well, it's been awesome being here for almost 7 years, i'm not going anywhere but i do hope the community maybe remains a bit the same.
I currently have 450 friend requests which i'll be deleting/denying since i actually like having friends and just not a bunch of people sitting there that not even talk or comment to me at all.....
So with that, i've been shooting but mostly editing this wedding images (see above) ready to be done, things are going slow but going at least.
My dog walking adventures are still cool is my time to disconnect i love the pups, for more of doggie adventures, just follow me on instagram as @mgainza
I leave you guys with more pics
Preparing for halloween
love you all and see you in the new side of SG
Note to add:
There's a bay area shootfest coming, check Nubia for more info.
I have still spots open for shooting since i'll only be there for one night, if you want more info on anything, just message me, it'd be awesome to collaborate with more girls
Aww thank you! PS. I love that photo of the lady in the red dress!!
you are a cute ewok