New Year Resolutions/To do list
Find a really great boyfriend
Lose ten pounds
Go to Arizona
Go to Seattle
Go to Vegas in January
Start jogging/working out and actually keep it up
Stop dwelling on past mistakes
Save up a couple hundred by my birthday
Get chest peice done
Get stomach peice done
Start right sleeve
Talk to David about my leg & lobes
Get right shin scalpelled
Find a job
Visit Johnny in Salt Lake
Learn Japanese
Eat less meat&dairy
More fruit and water
No sugary stuff
Build up my metal collection
Stop biting my nails
Catch up on some movies I want to see
I'll add on more whenever I think of some
Find a really great boyfriend
Lose ten pounds
Go to Arizona
Go to Seattle
Go to Vegas in January
Start jogging/working out and actually keep it up
Stop dwelling on past mistakes
Save up a couple hundred by my birthday
Get chest peice done
Get stomach peice done
Start right sleeve
Talk to David about my leg & lobes
Get right shin scalpelled
Find a job
Visit Johnny in Salt Lake
Learn Japanese
Eat less meat&dairy
More fruit and water
No sugary stuff
Build up my metal collection
Stop biting my nails
Catch up on some movies I want to see
I'll add on more whenever I think of some

happy holidaze !! and a merry gnu ear!! however you celebrate it!!
i pretty much have the same resolutions except for bitting my nails and eating less meat n dairy. i dont bight my nails and i love meat YUMMY
. i dont even know jonny but i want to visit him lol. happy holidayz cutie!