So, I've been uploading a bunch of photos I took when I was travelling a lot. They're in My Pics under Travel (I know, creatively named).
Just a bunch of photos I took in Italy, India, the United Arab Emirates (a little country next to Saudi Arabia). Anyway, if anyone wants to take a look. I had some of them up a while ago, they're back. I figure some people will find them interesting.
Also, some cute pictures of me and Aspen in my "With Friends" folder. There's boobs. You'll like that. You like boobs, right?
Also, everyone check out this movie. Its awesome. My little brother sent me the link. Cat With Hands
Just a bunch of photos I took in Italy, India, the United Arab Emirates (a little country next to Saudi Arabia). Anyway, if anyone wants to take a look. I had some of them up a while ago, they're back. I figure some people will find them interesting.
Also, some cute pictures of me and Aspen in my "With Friends" folder. There's boobs. You'll like that. You like boobs, right?
Also, everyone check out this movie. Its awesome. My little brother sent me the link. Cat With Hands
Wow I love your traveling pictures. What type of work brought you there?
1st of all Im not in any of your pics! 2nd of all cooper looks like a bunch of red X's. 3rd Where's my set? 4th you never pay me any attention! So im breaking up with you!