i don't know if i like being 25... everyone has kept saying "oh, you'll go through another big change at 25"... i'm like "fuck you, i'm me, and that's that". however, i've been plagued with many realizations as of late, regarding my current situation, and inability to grow up. so what do i do? i decide that, yeah, i wanna grow up... but today, and lots of days before now, i'm feeling like "fuck it, i don't give a shit". you see, 1/2 the people in my age group seem to be married and having babies (i wanna baby real bad), and the other 1/2 are drinking every night and have no plans to marry ( i too, like that idea, it's so much fun). so yeah, i guess i'm just having one of those days, and i'm sure whatever is meant to be will be...the irrational side of me just wants to have a little baby, and no husband, but i have those old-fashioned beliefs for myself about the whole being married, then having kids thing. it's no big deal really, i mean, i'm only 25 right? it's not like i'm 39 and single with 12 cats, teetering on the edge of menopause. i guess it's at that point that i should get worried
i wonder if there's someone out there who will put up with my insanely chaotic and groovy nature for an extended period of time. i can be a lot to handle...i mean i'm just so damn groovy
oh, and on a totally young and ungrownup note...HAPPY420!!!!! smoke your weed, get high indeed

oh, and on a totally young and ungrownup note...HAPPY420!!!!! smoke your weed, get high indeed
This is Rachel from Oregon. You missed a great Horning's!!!!! And we missed you...I hope to talk to you soon, Rach and Sean