it's been a while, i know.... the holidays kept me busy and now, between work and school, i hardly have time for anything else!! i have been a hermit lately and i thoroughly enjoy it...however, some people who i've politely asked to leave me be cannot get the hint. i just have some stuff to work out on my own right now, and it's a lot easier to do it without someone attatched to my hip. i don't know what it is... i'm going through these changes, but i have no idea why or how i'm changing, i just know that i am. i guess what they say is true...around age 25, you enter another phase of life and evolve even further as you transition from the partying early 20s to the "time to get a little more goal oriented" mid 20's. maybe i'm just a fucking freak of nature and i am so quirky and weird that it's just another one of those weird maryjane things i do. either way, i hope i don't digress into a fool with no social skills. oh, even worse; i could turn into one of those chicks who smells like pickles and has 50 cats, before age 30!!!! oh well, at least i finally got around to postin a new journal entry


Happy late V-day girl.