we all have those moments...everything in your life sucks for a while, then it's just ok, then some karmic revolution comes around and makes everything seem too good to be true. i love roller coasters, so i'm just enjoying the ride... i wonder how long this super fun part is gonna last
i hope it lasts a while, the last year has been a rough and psychologically damaging one, so it's my turn for a pattern of more good than bad. not to mention i've got a shitload of good karma saved up, but i guess it's up to the universe as to when i can have it back. this whole super happy thing could be a tease, i guess i'll have to wait and see. if anyone has any pull with the universe or the ones in charge of karma, let them know that i dig what they're givin' me
i like it when something totally unexpected meanders into my life...it inspires me to write and be extra nice. i am truly grateful. i'm still a lucky girl.

Well, that's what I do anyway.
Karma, it's funny stuff, isn't it?
I have to call you this week...I ran into my ex last night. It totally threw me off.
Hey...do you know of any FREE email things I can get hooked up with? My AOL is cut off...0_o
OH...and my bf DOES go to TD's...but I dont know which one. He said its pretty damn good though.
I love you girlie