busy as a honey bee, doin' homework and climbin' trees
sailin' across the seven seas, hopin' my dogs don't get fleas
havin the urge to get on my knees
eatin' for dinner some fresh peas
enjoying the sun and the breeze
staying free from disease
goin' to sleep with my mind at ease
won't you add something to this please??
sailin' across the seven seas, hopin' my dogs don't get fleas
havin the urge to get on my knees

eatin' for dinner some fresh peas
enjoying the sun and the breeze
staying free from disease
goin' to sleep with my mind at ease
won't you add something to this please??
Thank you for the lovely comment on my set the other day!

you tease! now I cant stop thinking about the birds and the bees... jeez! or something kinkier like trapeze. sorry. im a degenerate sleaze...