i'm just now getting over a cold that i believe i caught at ozzfest. what a time though. an all access pass can get you anywhere!!!! i can't wait to tell my dad, the one who raised me on rock 'n roll, that i got to see all the original members of black sabbath, and judas priest in all of his fruity leathery glory!! my pops is gonna be thrilled and possibly a bit jealous
so here i am at my pc, all snotty and coughing...i feel much better than i did a couple days ago. it's amazing what a good friend will do to help make me feel better. i don't eat when i'm sick, nothing sounds good to me. but my friend who knows me all too well, knew just what i would eat, sick or not. it felt real nice to have someone know me better than even any boyfriend has ever known me. it's like he knows me better than i know myself. it actually creeps me out sometimes
well, it's off to do my sunday chores. i am so glad i feel better. lucky, you made my weekend

so here i am at my pc, all snotty and coughing...i feel much better than i did a couple days ago. it's amazing what a good friend will do to help make me feel better. i don't eat when i'm sick, nothing sounds good to me. but my friend who knows me all too well, knew just what i would eat, sick or not. it felt real nice to have someone know me better than even any boyfriend has ever known me. it's like he knows me better than i know myself. it actually creeps me out sometimes

well, it's off to do my sunday chores. i am so glad i feel better. lucky, you made my weekend

you like sci and phish? i tour with them and sell handmade clothing on tour and the web for the community. did you see any shows? hit me with an email or whatever you do on here lol

on a site full of "different" girls, I think you're even the most unique on the site.