Well, hello all!! Gee it's been a while. Guess i've been busy. Hmmm...well i've moved again. Hopefully the last time for a min. I got another rattie, she's a naked baby! No hair what so ever! Lets see, i got a new puppy as well he's name is knuckles and he's a boxer. I'll post pics of him soon. What else......oh i gotta gigantamous TV!... Read More
Hi, I go to Huntington WV all the time, my dad lives in Ashland KY and my mom lives in a small town called Paintsville KY about an hr from you, so when I go home I get bored and go up that way.
So you have a rat do you? Well you should join my group exotic and unusual pets.
Alright guys, i realize i haven't posted in a while. Thats no reason not to at least say hi!! Where is everyone? I guess i can let it slide this time since i haven't really said hi to anyone myself.
Nothing new here really. Same ol' Same ol'. Work, which is goig great......... my sisters are graduating high school tues.......my 2 goldfish died.......my fantasy has... Read More
Yes, yet again we went out. Its become like a ritual. We have to go out every sat. night. I enjoyed my self but i think i over did it when we kept drinking and drinking after the clubs were closed. We didn't sleep a wink till 6:00 Sun. evening. Now thats a record for me. No worries, we had fun. Needles to say, I'm... Read More
Sorry to hear about being turned down on that house -- the politics of that stuff definitely seems like it can be very deterring, but don't let it get ya down, you'll be bound to find something that'll work out for ya with some persistence.
On your weekend front, sounds like at least ya didn't have to deal with a bad hangover, and that's always good
Alright so i didn't come back with anytthing interesting. Although i had a wonderful time. I was way toasted! Afriend of my gave me 2 shots of a screamin nazi. I had no idea at the time, it completly put me over the edge!! I was still drunk at 6:00 the following morning. well, once more, a new weekend. I don't think i have to... Read More
A new weekend has arrived!! I'm dressed and ready to go. Waiting on everyone else. Were going to our usual weekend hang out. I've got everything i need to get waisted!! A cute outfit, of course, and a litttle bit cash. (enough to get me started) So Anyway, hopefully i'll have a good time. maybe i might come back with something interesting say.
Dang! Well if you were already pretty lit up -- how could things have been better? I hope at least your hangover wasn't bad that weekend, Haha
My past weekend was kept sober, the highlight was watching Grindhouse in theatres for a third time
Grindhouse is AWESOME -- if it hadn't been I wouldn't have gone to see it Three times! If your local theatre still keeps it around by this upcoming weekend, go and check it out for sure! It's an experience that should not be missed, I'm telling ya.
It's a damn shame that not enough people "got it" and went to see it...
Alright, so, we went out and had a good time, all was well, so we thought. Our friend started hurling out the car door right in the mmiddle of the street where there were cops parked. I thought for sure we were gonna get busted for DUI. Thank goodness, they just went on bout their other buisness!! Any way, I think we're moving again. I... Read More
well, haven't posted anything in a while. Not much happening. All though........I GOT MY BRACES OFF!!! Thats a wonderful thing seeing as how i've had them for 3 yrs. First thing i did was ate some pop corn, bought a pack of gum, and oh yes, I will get some sour gummy worms. My fav that i haven't been able to eat. Yay, yay, yay!!!!
So, I had an awsome time sat! I guess this is pretty sad and lame that i'm hangin out here on easter sunday afternoon. What can i say, i guess i'm lame and sad. Not that SG is, just that most poeple are like having dinner somewhere or something while i'm rambling on my blog. I don't know where i'm going with this, just dumping... Read More
Ok, upon request I have posted a pic of my new hair and nails. I guess i'll have to start posting pics everytime i change it. Which is often. I added the pic as a comment.......don't ask.
I had one hell-of-a-day today! I was so booked i didn't even get to eat lunch, let alone a smoke! Oh well, more money for me!
Again nothing much goin on. I got a new color on my hair, and different nails, that pretty much changes every couple of weeks. Workin some more on my chest piece, i decided to chang the background color. It's still not finished.
I guess my skin is to delicated, we can only work on it for so long be for it starts to chew it... Read More
As a matter of fact, we have a show tomorrow, at the Monkeybar in Huntington. If you're interested in hearing what we sound like, our website is: www.myspace.com/kadeband
But anyway... nice artwork above. Keep us all updated on the progress.
I gave that necklace to Anthony Green myself to make him feel special - J/K!
I saw another fan give him the necklace during the signing, and he rocked it through the rest of it, hehe. I was left with lingering questions about it myself...
Nonetheless - it is a pretty sweet necklace, eh?
Your ink is looking awesome, Dig it! How about gracing us with some pictures of your new hair color and nails too?
So beautiful people, whats up!? Me? Not much at all... work, work, work. I've recently been reading alot. Not that I don't, just i usually read info kinda stuff...magazines and what not. I have been really into erotic novels. Hmmm...go figure. Any who, If anyone could recomend a few good books i would like that. well catch u cats later. tootles.
No problem, aside from the Hellbound Heart (the book that Hellraiser was based upon) which I have read , I just wish I could recommend you other specific Clive Barker titles that are an excellent blend of the erotic & horror...
A challenge does indeed make a game good and rewarding (yet too much of a challenge though, will make ya wanna break it, Haha - some games be just downright cheap!),
but with Guitar Hero it'll be a matter of if I can train my reflexes and hands to improve their already innate clumsiness, hehe
Hey, what's up? I'm just getting your message... It's kinda a bitch to reply with one hand, but otherwise, it's going okay. Hurts like hell, but I'm halfway through it now. Just 3 more weeks as a bionic man.
But yeah, strange I've never seen you around, do you work down at the hair place by Epicenter?