I just got my new class schedule. Not that anyone cares.

I have Comp 1, Human Evolution, Intermiate Algerbra, and Film Analysis.

Alright, that's it...
film analysis is always fun. u can bs ur way through that class almost all the time.











........................................................ bok

............ bok ...............

So today I went around downtown singing modest mouse and dancing in the streets. I also bought cigarettes. I have no idea why, I don't smoke. I just like holding something and watching them burn. I want to run around screaming like a mad man and I have no idea where this energy came from but damn it feels good. I wrote this short...
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"What the hell are the werewolf and furry communities? Are there more of him? He seems harmless but who knows soon he may learn to physically shift!!"

Oh God... you dear, sweet, innocent soul... am I really THAT much of a bastard as to show you some of the horrific, terrible things I've seen?
feel free to visit my journal anytime you please

I am an artist. Narf.

I can't wait I'm going home for christmas on the 17th!!! I haven't seen anyone in my family for 4 months now. That may not seem like a long time but I just moved out in June and before that the longest I've been away from my mom is 2 weeks.

I'm going home, I'm going home, I'M GOING...
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excellent. wood huh? that's interesting

I'm sending in my form to SG as soon as I get a stamp! After this I just have to find someone to take my pictures and I'm set!

If anyone is or knows a photographer around Iowa City I would be very thankful for the info.

So maybe soon I'll be a SG!!! shocked
Seems to me that you could very easily be an SG!
Campaign slogans are fun to create but never fun to implement... wink
Long Beach C.A. = Midnight Insanity. Their Crim also has the same first name as I. Him and were in a production of Shock Treatment (the further adventures of brad and janet) together as Betty Hapshat and .....and....... oh wow I forgot the other characters name.

Yes they do a good show. The best in CA with Sins o the Flesh (my old cast). They also have a rave right before the show. AND they have a lot more props than my old cast. They have a starship honeycomb! eeek
I have a question

So, there's this painting I'm working on with two tiny geisha girls standing in the desert and the idea is to dull the desert out behind them. Well while painting I began to notice that the girls looked pasted on. It was completely mismatched.

Do I dull the geisha girls out or do I bring color to the desert? Either way...
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I'm so damn nerves!
I don't even know why. Sometimes my imagination gets the better of me and I'm not used to living with a cat. Keeps knocking shit over.

Everything makes me jump lately. The other day I was locking up at work. It was dark by the time I left and as I rounded the corner someone was coming down the sidewalk.

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The Academy, I hate to write I book review but, damn, this is a new level of smutty novel. It intermingles the stock market and sex. It deromanticizes sex to the point where nothing but raw slave sex is left. No feelings are mixed in just business. I never considered that taking out all emotion from sex and turning it into a trade would work...
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My head looks stretched out in that picture. I may change it but I have this feeling that Im too lazy. My boyfriend likes to say random belligerent sexual things around everyone and I know that it makes people wonder about me. They have to say to themselves so whats that one like behind closed doors if shes dating him? I had one of his...
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