I like that tattoo cuz it's pinup-y
I'll do a beter job with my commenting when sober I swear!
I want my tattoo to be a flaming skull, a PIRATE skull! And a snake coming out of the eye sockets... and the snake is also on fire, and the snake also has a pair of fuzzy dice wrapped around it's neck.
I finally have all together happy news. Well, I'm sick and hungry but otherwise happy. Things have been going so much better between my and my boyfriend. I told him how I was feeling and it worked. I was just so afraid to say something before. Oh and I want to start a tattoo apprentiship after college and my mom has always been set against...
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The IC girls are wanting to get together tomorrow night. I'm organizing a party of sorts. let me know if you want to come. I'll e-mail you my cell #.
You make me feel ugly with your resistance to me
WHen you watch me there is something bitter in your glare
Or am I just so self indulgent that I am manifesting emotion where there is none?
You look at me with the absentmindedness of a person who is fixated upon a well known rerun or a repetitive screensaver
Do you just want to cover...
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Well, if you want a friend I can point you in the direction of a couple really nice girls in your area. Just lending a helping hand, if you want it. And my fantasy. I know, right?
hi, I am also from iowa city. Did you recently move here? My self and a couple of iowa city girls are planning to get together some time. Coffee or lunch or something. Would you be interested in hanging out with other SG ladies some time?
My eyes keep burning and i have to fucking piss. I feel like bitching about everthing everytime I sit down tp write one of my lame "journal entries." But then I think, who wants to read about someone who just whines. Then I think this is supposed to be a journal I'm not supposed to write in here purely for the attention. The I look...
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It's weird having my computer in the living room. My roomates all sitting around watching TV while I type. I mean they're all respectful of my privacy but I always feel like someones watching me type. My roomates are all older than me by about 4 or 5 year too so I always feel like they would be laughing about whatever I am typing; regardless....
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Today I went walking down town and listening to my new walkman. I was starting to go home when I caught what looked like hundreds of bats out of the corner of my eye. They all quickly landed but when I turned the street I saw it again. As I got closer I realized that they were on top of the parking garage so I...
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finger nails most. def. i hardly have any nail over the egde of my finger anyway, cause i bite them. so there would be like.. no difference.
if i have no nose - then i couldnt wear my fake glasses.
if i had no bottom lip, then itd be really hard to kiss.
For the hundreds of you who come running and screaming everyday to your computer just to see if I have left word of my daily trifles I write this.



.................all I had was the dramatic entry..damn.....

Yep. Quite on this front.
haha yup some entry biggrin
i think thats how its gunna be for a while.. i'll be a mess, or: its gunna be the "spot". the spot where everyone will go to hang out, and all of that. because im the only one in the group that has their own place. i hope its the second one, because i dont like being a mess. haha

we sound a lot alike. i'll add you to my friends list. biggrin
Iwas so distracted by naked people that i never really explored anything else on the site until tonight......................................................................................................there's a chat room and it's one of few that i actually enjoyed!

biggrin biggrin biggrin
well welcome to sg chat. come back soon now ya hear. And yes Love CB and i can do the snoopy dance.