I think I may be doomed to eat falafels alone.
I'm a falafel loser.
In other news: I gave up on my belly botton ring and let it close up but I can fit twelve nails through my ear lobe now.
I am also going to go talk to someone tommarow about prices regarding my possible new tattoos!!! I have been waiting for so long.
I think I may just end up a blob of ink one day. I'm ok with that.
Oh and I want to take down my favorite Sgs because I can no longer decide but it won't let me; help.
teh "fullness"

In other news: I gave up on my belly botton ring and let it close up but I can fit twelve nails through my ear lobe now.

I am also going to go talk to someone tommarow about prices regarding my possible new tattoos!!! I have been waiting for so long.
I think I may just end up a blob of ink one day. I'm ok with that.
Oh and I want to take down my favorite Sgs because I can no longer decide but it won't let me; help.
teh "fullness"

okay well... I mean... I get the mix in a box... that still counts, right?.. most things I get to "cook" are more or less in a box but there are some things I can make.....do you like Taboule(sp?) too... that can be pretty tasty.....most of the artists that I tend to go for or images that I like I generally put up in my "journal" (livejournal.. which is a bit embarassing to admit I have... but a good place to put art that I like) .... and I'll look for those artists you mentioned... I'll probably do that tonight actually... and I went to Paris when I was 11 or so.... the only thing on my mind at that age was a) being an angsty preteen ..b) getting away from my grandma and aunt and chasing french girls around.....not that I'd have had any idea about anything had I managed to actually get the attention of one (and I didn't speak french)... but theres preteen logic for you "I don't know what it is or how to get it but I know I want it"
hey, where are you silly pants?