Alright, free advice for everyone:
6 hour night followed by 12 hour day followed by 6 hour night followed by nine hour day is a bad bad idea!!!
Especially if you work with kids.
Must refrain.................
6 hour night followed by 12 hour day followed by 6 hour night followed by nine hour day is a bad bad idea!!!
Especially if you work with kids.
Must refrain.................
thanx for the advice mary...i've told her that i loved her before but at the time she was on the verge of divorce and indifferent. now that she is divorced, i don't know what to say to her.
every other person i talk to tell me to just stay away from her and that she sounds like a loser ( two kids two different dads)...i don't know

yeah, i know...i have to decide who i associate with. thanx again